This document contains the help content for the sqruff
command-line program.
Command Overview:
sqruff is a sql formatter and linter
Usage: sqruff [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
— Lint SQL files via passing a list of files or using stdinfix
— Fix SQL files via passing a list of files or using stdinlsp
— Run an LSP serverinfo
— Print information about sqruff and the current environmentrules
— Explain the available rules
--config <CONFIG>
— Path to a configuration file -
— Show parse errorsDefault value:
Lint SQL files via passing a list of files or using stdin
Usage: sqruff lint [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...
— Files or directories to fix. Use-
to read from stdin
,--format <FORMAT>
Default value:
Possible values:
Fix SQL files via passing a list of files or using stdin
Usage: sqruff fix [OPTIONS] [PATHS]...
— Files or directories to fix. Use-
to read from stdin
— Skip the confirmation prompt and go straight to applying fixes -
,--format <FORMAT>
Default value:
Possible values:
Run an LSP server
Usage: sqruff lsp
Print information about sqruff and the current environment
Usage: sqruff info
Explain the available rules
Usage: sqruff rules
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