Online presentations (can be used for classroom presentation or for independent study at home):
- IQmol Server Setup and Job Submission
- IQmol Intro-I (Recommended for everyone)
- IQmol Intro-II (Advanced)
- IQmol Troubleshooting (Advanced)
- Using the IQmol interface to Q-Chem (Recording of Q-Chem Webinar 2 by Dr. Andrew Gilbert)
- IQmol for Beginners (Recording of Q-Chem Webinar 30 by Prof. Peter Gill)
- IQmol Intricacies (Recording of Q-Chem Webinar 31 by Dr. Andrew Gilbert)
- Andrew Gilbert
- Anna Krylov
- Shirin Faraji
- Ilya Kaliman
- Fazle Rob