The following instructions will allow you to install pysatModels.
pysatModels uses common Python modules, as well as modules developed by and for the Space Physics community. This module officially supports Python 3.6+.
Common modules Community modules numpy pysat pandas pysatNASA requests pyForecastTools scipy xarray
You may now obtain pysatModels from PyPi, Zenodo, or the GitHub repository. If you use PyPi, simply call:
pip install pysatModels
If you use GitHub or Zenodo, you need to first obtain the package and then install it.
- Clone the git repository or download the repository from Zenodo and unzip the compressed files. To clone the git repository, use the command below.
git clone
Install pysatModels from the repository folder, once it is in the desired location. Change directories into the repository folder and run the file. There are a few ways you can do this:
Install on the system (root privileges required):
sudo python3 install
Install at the user level:
python3 install --user
Install with the intent to develop locally:
python3 develop --user
After installation, you may register the :py:mod:`pysatModel` model :py:class:`Instrument` sub-modules with pysat. If this is your first time using pysat, check out the quickstart guide for pysat. Once pysat is set up, you may choose to register the the :py:mod:`pysatModel` model :py:class:`Instruments` sub-modules by:
import pysat
import pysatModels as pymod
You may then use the pysat :py:attr:`platform` and :py:attr:`name` keywords to initialize the model :py:class:`Instrument` instead of the :py:attr:`inst_module` keyword argument.