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Contributing to Pyro-Risks

Everything you need to know to contribute efficiently to the project.

Whatever the way you wish to contribute to the project, please respect the code of conduct.

Project structure and conventions

Codebase structure

Continuous Integration

This project uses the following integrations to ensure proper codebase maintenance:

  • Github Actions - run workflows for building and testing the package
  • Codacy - analyzes commits for code quality
  • Codecov - reports back coverage results

As a contributor, you will only have to ensure coverage of your code by adding appropriate unit testing of your code.

Style conventions

  • Code:

    • Setup the __all__ special variable for each module
    • Use type hints for every functions (type hints cheat sheet)
    • Format your code using the black auto-formatter
    • Ensure to document your code using type hints compatible docstrings. In doing so, please follow Google-style so it can ease the process of documentation later.
  • Commit message: please follow Udacity guide

Contributing to the project

In order to contribute to project, you will first need to set up your pyro-risks development environment and then follow the contributing workflow and the code & commit guidelines.

Project Setup

1. Create a virtual environment

  • We are going to create a python3.6 virtual environment dedicated to the pyro-risks project using conda as an environment management system. Please open a terminal and follow the instructions.

    conda create --name pyro-risks python=3.6 anaconda 
    conda activate pyro-risks

2. Fork the repository

  • We are going to get a local copy of the remote project (fork) and set remotes so we stay up to date to recent contributions.

    1. Create a fork by clicking on the fork button on the current repository page

    2. Clone your fork locally.

      # change directory to one for the project
      cd /path/to/local/pyronear/project/
      # clone your fork. replace YOUR_USERNAME accordingly
      git clone
      # cd to pyro-risks
      cd pyro-risks

3. Set origin and upstream remotes repositories

  1. Configure your fork YOUR_USERNAME/pyro-risks as origin remote

  2. Configure pyronear/pyro-risks repository as upstream remote

    # add the original repository as remote repository called "upstream"
    git remote add upstream
    # verify repository has been correctly added
    git remote -v
    # fetch all changes from the upstream repository
    git fetch upstream
    # switch to the master branch of your fork
    git checkout master
    # merge changes from the upstream repository into your fork
    git merge upstream/master

4. Install project dependencies

# install dependencies
pip install black

# install current project in editable mode,
# so local changes will be reflected locally (ie:at import)
pip install -e .

Local deployment

To enable a smoother development experience, you can run AWS locally using docker containers with this command:

make setup-dev

If you cannot use Makefile, you can run the following commands:

# Create a localstack container
docker compose -f docker-compose.localstack.yml up -d --build
# Create a bucket
docker compose exec localstack awslocal s3 mb s3://pyro-risk

Contributing workflow

Once the project is well set up, we are going to detail step by step a usual contributing workflow.

  1. Merge recent contributions onto master (do this frequently to stay up-to-date)

    # fetch all changes from the upstream repository
    git fetch upstream
    # switch to the master branch of your fork
    git checkout master
    # merge changes from the upstream repository into your fork
    git merge upstream/master

    Note: Since, we are going to create features on separate local branches so they'll be merged onto original project remote master via pull requests, we may use pulling instead of fetching & merging. This way our local master branch will reflect remote original project. We don't expect to make changes on local master in this workflow so no conflict should arise when merging:

    # switch to local master
    git checkout master
    #  merge remote master of original project onto local master
    git pull upstream/master
  2. Create a local feature branch to work on

    # Create a new branch with the name of your feature
    git checkout -b feature-branch
  3. Commit your changes (remember to add unit tests for your code). Feel free to interactively rebase your history to improve readability. Follow the style guide See Style Conventions to follow guidelines.

  4. Rebase your feature branch so that merging it will be a simple fast-forward that won't require any conflict resolution work.

    # Switch to feature branch
    git checkout feature-branch
    # Rebase on master
    git rebase master
  5. Push your changes on remote feature branch.

    git checkout feature-branch
    # Push first time (we create remote branch at the same time)
    git push -u origin feature-branch
    # Next times, we simply push commits
    git push origin
    # Format your code with 
    black /path/to/local/pyronear/project/pyro-risks/
  6. When satisfied with your branch, open a PR from your fork in order to integrate your contribution to original project.

Opening an issue

Use Github issues for feature requests, or bug reporting. When doing so, use issue templates whenever possible and provide enough information for other contributors to jump in.