It's really not a complex thing. Let's just start it with a specific code style. 🌝
So, what is currying ?
You can take the currying just a specific style at the beginning. 🙃
If we need an add
function, you might:
add = (x, y) -> x + y
That maskes you can call like
to get a 3
Now, we need to start our changing.
This is your add
in our new type:
add = x -> y -> x + y
It's equal as:
add = x -> ( y -> x + y )
add = x -> ( y -> (x + y) )
And the calling for it should like:
Also got a 3
And with this style you can also do something like:
add_three = add(3)
add_three(4) # ~> 7
add_three(5) # ~> 8
Here, the add_three = add(3)
is just same like this:
add_three = y -> 3 + y
or any one of these:
add_three = x -> 3 + x
add_three = z -> 3 + z
add_three = foozzfii -> 3 + foozzfii
- etc ...
what ever ... both of them are wholely same thing.
(Those code lines are all Julia syntax. You can just test them on this Julia web repl. ✨)
OK, that's all. You've already touch all the points of Lambda Calculus. Funny? Let me tell you what you just touched. 🌜
The add(3)
here will returns a closure: it's a function bind with a environment which just contain informations this function needed. This just like to create a special object in OOP style but that 'object' can be called like a function.
In some language, closure is implemented as a special object. Also in some language, both all function is just a closure just with more than one syntax to create/define.
I'll tell you three point of the convert or equivalence in lambda calculus (or maybe more) by just introduce some lexical closure examples also. 🧪
add = x -> y -> x + y
- For closure
y -> x + y
, they
which at right hand of+
is a kind of bound variables , because there is ay
at left hand of this closure's->
. - For closure
y -> x + y
, thex
which at left hand of+
is a kind of free variables , because there is not ax
at left hand of this closure's->
. - So, how can the interpreter knows what is the
? That depends on whatx
is at the place (I mean scope) where thisy -> x + y
being, and that's the rule named lexical scoping. - So ... Here,
y -> x + y
is the return value ofx -> y -> x + y
, so, what thex
right side of->
inx -> x
will be, that thex
right side of the first->
inx -> y -> x + y
will be.
That means, for add = x -> y -> x + y
, a
add_one = add(1)
is same as a
add_one = y -> 1 + y
also means ...
add_one = y -> add(1)(y)
(See! It transed to a pointful style from a point-free style !!)
That's what a closure's definition does which more than only a function's, and, that is what the η-reduction (or η-equivalence) in Lambda Calculus is:
η-reduction: which captures a notion of extensionality
Also, for
pipe = x -> f -> f(x)
pipe_four = pipe(4)
is equal with a
pipe_four = f -> f(4)
That's why
is same as
( f -> f(4) )( x -> 1 + x )
result should be:
( f -> f(4) )( x -> 1 + x )
( x -> 1 + x )(4)
1 + 4
means 5
And this steps
( f -> f(4) )( x -> 1 + x )
( x -> 1 + x )(4)
1 + 4
It's the steps which called β-reduction in Lambda Calculus:
β-reduction: applying functions to their arguments
And, clearly, they are both equal things:
( f -> f(4) )( x -> 1 + x )
( x -> x(4) )( y -> 1 + y )
( j -> j(4) )( a -> 1 + a )
( k -> k(4) )( i -> 1 + i )
And that's the steps called α-conversion in Lambda Calculus:
α-conversion: changing bound variables
You can also call the relationship as α-equivalence between them.
And, if there is a type system in that language, for this
( f -> f(4) )( x -> 1 + x )
The type of x -> 1 + x
should be evaluate automatically.
Because of the f
is already applies on f(4)
in the f -> f(4)
The type of f
left hand of ->
in f -> f(4)
can be ensure by that f
at f(4)
which is right hand of ->
, cause 4
is just a number, it makes that f
's argument's type must be a number.
All we've writed is not like something kind of a a -> a b
, they all just like the a -> b -> a b
For only a b -> b a
, it is a lambda, but it has one unbound variable a
there (or called free variable also).
But for the a -> b -> b a
, it is a lambda also, but all variables for it are bound variables. In that case, we call it a Combinator.
a -> a
is a Combinatora -> a b
is not a Combinatora -> b -> a b
is a Combinatora -> b -> a
is a Combinatorb -> a
is not a Combinatora -> b -> c -> c (x -> a)
is a Combinatora -> b -> c -> c (x -> y)
is not a Combinator
Done. 🌚
At the beginning, we just want to bind some name with their structure, which is just describe a change (or mapping, or relationship). So, the functions are all anonymous at the beginning in this logic, it must anonymous at the first, then it can be bind with its name we want to give for it. In math, a function can be bind with any name (such as a
...), a name (such as f
...) also can be bind with any functions.
The function means a structure that shows a transition. And in Lambda Calculus (λ Calculus), all value is such functions.
So, from that, things is just an anonymous function that can be treated like a value, people call them lambda (λ). But ... why Lambda Calculus (λ Calculus) use the symbol lambda (λ) ?
As far as I know, it is ˆx.xx
at the first, a ^
hat on the x
left of the .
, then it becomes Ʌx.xx
, then λx.xx
. You can see here to get some details:
There is some uncertainty over the reason for Church's use of the Greek letter lambda (λ) as the notation for function-abstraction in the lambda calculus, perhaps in part due to conflicting explanations by Church himself. According to Cardone and Hindley (2006):
By the way, why did Church choose the notation
? In [an unpublished 1964 letter to Harald Dickson] he stated clearly that it came from the notationˆx
used for class-abstraction by Whitehead and Russell, by first modifyingˆx
to distinguish function-abstraction from class-abstraction, and then changing∧
for ease of printing.This origin was also reported in [Rosser, 1984, p.338]. On the other hand, in his later years Church told two enquirers that the choice was more accidental: a symbol was needed and
just happened to be chosen.Dana Scott has also addressed this question in various public lectures. Scott recounts that he once posed a question about the origin of the lambda symbol to Church's former student and son-in-law John W. Addison Jr., who then wrote his father-in-law a postcard:
Dear Professor Church,
Russell had the iota operator, Hilbert had the epsilon operator. Why did you choose lambda for your operator?According to Scott, Church's entire response consisted of returning the postcard with the following annotation: "eeny, meeny, miny, moe".
Anyway, it's just a symbol, who knows why this symbol ... every one just call this name to mean an anonymous function that can be treated like a value.
Then, functions might have free variables in its body. So, if such function can be treated like a value, then it must have abilities or rules for those variables' binding. We need things like that, we give them a name: closure.
Some binding rule is bind those free variables at its lexical scope (means static scope, another type called dynamic scope), so such closures called Lexical Closure, and almose all of the closures' implementations in languages is lexical closure.
Here are something about the relationship of syntaxes between lambda calculate, Julia, ES6, Python, and OCaml.
row | lambda calculate | Julia | ES6 | Python | OCaml |
1 | λa.a or λx.x |
a -> a or x -> x |
a => a or x => x |
lambda a: a or lambda x: x |
fun a -> a or fun x -> x |
2 | λxy.x or λx.λy.x or λx.(λy.x) |
x -> y -> x or x -> (y -> x) |
x => y => x or x => (y => x) |
lambda x: lambda y: x or lambda x: (lambda y: x) |
fun x y -> x or fun x -> fun y -> x or fun x -> (fun y -> x) |
3 | λxf.fx or λxf.f x or λxf.(f x) or λx.λf.fx means λx.(λf.fx) |
x -> f -> f(x) or x -> f -> (f)(x) means x -> (f -> f(x)) |
x => f => f(x) or x => f => (f) (x) means x => (f => f(x)) |
lambda x: lambda f: f(x) or lambda x: lambda f: (f) (x) means lambda x: (lambda f: f(x)) |
fun x f -> f x or fun x -> fun f -> f x or fun x -> fun f -> (f) (x) means fun x -> (fun f -> (f) (x)) |
4 | λfgx.f(gx) or λf.λg.λx.f(gx) same as λf.(λg.(λx.( (f) ((g) (x)) ))) |
f -> g -> x -> (f)((g)(x)) same as f -> (g -> (x -> ( (f)((g)(x)) ))) |
f => g => x => (f) ((g) (x)) same as f => (g => (x => ( (f) ((g) (x)) ))) |
lambda f: lambda g: lambda x: (f) ((g) (x)) same as lambda f: (lambda g: (lambda x: ( (f) ((g) (x)) ))) |
fun f g x -> f (g x) or fun f -> fun g -> fun x -> f (g x) same as fun f -> (fun g -> (fun x -> ( (f) ((g) (x)) ))) |
5 | λabf.fab or λa.λb.λf.(fa)b same as λa.(λb.(λf.( ((f) (a)) (b) ))) |
a -> b -> f -> (f)(a)(b) same as a -> (b -> (f -> ( ((f)(a))(b) ))) |
a => b => f => (f) (a) (b) same as a => (b => (f => ( ((f) (a)) (b) ))) |
lambda a: lambda b: lambda f: (f) (a) (b) same as lambda a: (lambda b: (lambda f: ( ((f) (a)) (b) ))) |
fun a b f -> f a b or fun a -> fun b -> fun f -> (f a) b same as fun a -> (fun b -> (fun f -> ( ((f) (a)) (b) ))) |
Oh did me just mention about Combinators ? There is something more funny ! 🌛
This is something kind of Lambda Calculus called Combinatory Logic.
This is a book by Raymond Merrill Smullyan. He and the Haskell Brooks Curry both hobby on birds-watching, and in this book, all Combinators are analogies as Birds.
Bird Name | Bird Symbol | Lambda Syntax | OCaml Syntax | ES6 Syntax |
Identity Bird (aka Idiot) | I |
λa.a |
fun x -> x |
x => x |
Mockingbird | M |
λa.aa |
fun x -> x x |
x => x (x) |
Kestrel (True) | K |
λab.a |
fun x y -> x |
x => y => x |
Kite (False) | KI |
λab.b |
fun x y -> y |
x => y => y |
Thrush | T |
λ |
fun x f -> f x |
x => f => f (x) |
Starling | S |
λabc.(ac)(bc) |
fun a b c -> a c (b c) |
a => b => c => a (c) (b (c)) |
The K
can used as true
in Lambda Calculus, and the false
is KI
which can just got by K I
KI = (λxy.y) ;
K I = (λxy.x) (λa.a)
= (λx.λy.x) (λa.a)
= (λy.λa.a)
= (λx.λy.y)
= (λxy.y) = KI .
And, all things can be described by just using S
those three combinators ... or just use S
and K
cause I
is just SKK
means (((S)(K))(K))
This is a full (maybe) table about that from a website:
Bird | Symbol | Function Abstraction | Combinator | SK Combinator |
Bluebird | B |
λabc.a(bc) |
S(KS)K |
((S(KS))K) |
Blackbird | B1 |
λabcd.a(bcd) |
((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K)) |
Bunting | B2 |
λabcde.a(bcde) |
((S(K((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K))))((S(KS))K)) |
Becard | B3 |
λabcd.a(b(cd)) |
B(BB)B |
((S(K((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K))))((S(KS))K)) |
Cardinal | C |
λabc.acb |
S(BBS)(KK) |
((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK)) |
Dove | D |
λabcd.ab(cd) |
BB |
(S(K((S(KS))K))) |
Dickcissel | D1 |
λ |
B(BB) |
(S(K(S(K((S(KS))K))))) |
Dovekies | D2 |
λabcde.a(bc)(de) |
BB(BB) |
((S(K((S(KS))K)))(S(K((S(KS))K)))) |
Eagle | E |
λabcde.ab(cde) |
B(BBB) |
(S(K((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K)))) |
Bald Eagle | Ê |
λabcdefg.a(bcd)(efg) |
B(BBB)(B(BBB)) |
((S(K((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K))))(S(K((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K))))) |
Finch | F |
λ |
((S(K((S((SK)K))(K((S(K(S((SK)K))))K)))))((S(K((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K))))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))) |
Goldfinch | G |
λ |
((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))) |
Hummingbird | H |
λabc.abcb |
BW(BC) |
((S(K((S(K(S((S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))))((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))))))K)))(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))) |
Identity Bird (aka Idiot) | I |
λa.a |
((SK)K) |
Jay | J |
λabcd.ab(adc) |
B(BC)(W(BC(B(BBB)))) |
((S(K(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))((S((S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))))((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))))(K((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))(S(K((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(KS))K)))))))) |
Kestrel (True) | K |
λab.a |
K |
K |
Lark | L |
λab.a(bb) |
((S((S(KS))K))(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K)))) |
Mockingbird | M |
λa.aa |
((S((SK)K))((SK)K)) |
Double Mockingbird | M2 |
λab.ab(ab) |
BM |
(S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K)))) |
Owl | O |
λab.b(ab) |
SI |
(S((SK)K)) |
Queer Bird | Q |
λabc.b(ac) |
CB |
((S(K(S((S(KS))K))))K) |
Quixotic Bird | Q1 |
λabc.a(cb) |
((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))((S(KS))K)) |
Quizzical Bird | Q2 |
λabc.b(ca) |
C(BCB) |
((S(K(S((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))((S(KS))K)))))K) |
Quirky Bird | Q3 |
λabc.c(ab) |
BT |
(S(K((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))) |
Quacky Bird | Q4 |
λabc.c(ba) |
F*B |
((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))((S(K(S((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))((S(KS))K)))))K)) |
Robin | R |
λabc.bca |
((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K)) |
Starling | S |
λ |
S |
S |
Thrush | T |
λ |
CI |
((S(K(S((SK)K))))K) |
Turing | U |
λab.b(aab) |
LO |
((S(K(S((SK)K))))((S((SK)K))((SK)K))) |
Vireo (aka Pairing) | V |
λ |
((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K)) |
Warbler | W |
λ |
C(BMR) |
((S(K(S((S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))))((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))))))K) |
Converse Warbler | W1 |
λab.baa |
CW |
((S(K(S((S(K(S((S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))))((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))))))K))))K) |
Why Bird (aka Sage Bird) | Y |
λa.a(λa) |
(((SS)K)((S(K((SS)(S((SS)K)))))K)) |
Identity Bird Once Removed | I* |
λab.ab |
S(SK) |
(S(SK)) |
Warbler Once Removed | W* |
λabc.abcc |
BW |
(S(K((S(K(S((S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))))((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))))))K))) |
Cardinal Once Removed | C* |
λabcd.abdc |
BC |
(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK)))) |
Robin Once Removed | R* |
λabcd.acdb |
C*C* |
((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))) |
Finch Once Removed | F* |
λabcd.adcb |
BC*R* |
((S(K(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK)))))) |
Vireo Once Removed | V* |
λabcd.acbd |
C*F* |
((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))((S(K(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))) |
Identity Bird Twice Removed | I** |
λ |
Warbler Twice Removed | W** |
λabcd.abcdd |
B(BW) |
(S(K(S(K((S(K(S((S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))))((S(K((S(KS))K)))((S(K(S((SK)K))))K))))))K))))) |
Cardinal Twice Removed | C** |
λabcde.abced |
BC* |
(S(K(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK)))))) |
Robin Twice Removed | R** |
λabcde.abdec |
BR* |
(S(K((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))) |
Finch Twice Removed | F** |
λabcde.abedc |
BF* |
(S(K((S(K(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK)))))))) |
Vireo Twice Removed | V** |
λabcde.abecd |
BV* |
(S(K((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))((S(K(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))((S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))(S(K((S((S(K((S(KS))K)))S))(KK))))))))) |
Kite (False) | KI |
λab.b |
KI |
(K((SK)K)) |
Omega | Ω |
λ |
MM |
(((S((SK)K))((SK)K))((S((SK)K))((SK)K))) |
Konstant Mocker | KM |
λ |
KM |
(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))) |
Crossed Konstant Mocker | C(KM) |
λab.aa |
C(KM) |
((S(K(S(K((S((SK)K))((SK)K))))))K) |
Theta | Θ |
λ |
YO |
(((SS)K)((S(K((SS)(S((SS)K)))))K)(S((SK)K))) |
And here is a SK Compiler and Some Other Compiler.
And ...
If we can replace all code by functions, Replace all functions by combinators, And replace all combinators by S and K ;
Then we can replace all code by S and K.
如果我们能用函数替换所有代码、用组合子取代所有函数、再用 S 和 K 替换所有组合子 ——
那么我们就可以用 S 和 K 替换所有代码。
Cool hugh ? 🌞
Here's more details about combinatory logic and partial combinatory algebra, and something about fixed-point combinator you might interested in which with its combinatory logic. (Well, I just found those links by this question and its answer. You can also see my doc about those 🙃)
(some links for some notes about combinators in future ...)