A Babel 7 ready React single page application that uses Webpack for development.
You will need a JWT from (http://jwtbuilder.jamiekurtz.com/)[http://jwtbuilder.jamiekurtz.com/].
Make sure instead of Roles
you assign Groups
, e.g.
"iss": "Online JWT Builder",
"iat": 1536875344,
"exp": 1568411344,
"aud": "www.example.com",
"sub": "username@example.com",
"GivenName": "User",
"Surname": "Name",
"Email": "username@example.com",
"Groups": [
"Project Administrator"
Create a config/default.json
from the config/default.json.example
file and fill
in the values for jwt and jwtSecret
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
You will need to
$ docker build .
$ hostip=$(ifconfig en0 | awk '$1 == "inet" {print $2}')
$ port=8000
$ docker run -e TOKEN_ENDPONT=<oidc token endpoint> -e USER_INFO_ENDPOINT=<oidc user info endpoint> -e AUTH_ENDPOINT=<authendpoint> -e AUTH_CALLBACK_URL=<host/auth> -e AUTH_CLIENT=<oidc client> -e AUTH_ISSUER=<oidc issuer> -e AUTH_SCOPES="openid offline_access" -e JWT_SECRET=<YOUR_API_SECRET> -e COOKIE_SECRET=<COOKIE_SECRET> -e AUTH_CALLBACK_URL=http://localhost:8000/auth -e HOST=docker -e FORUM_API_HOST=$hostip:3000 -e FORUM_SOCKET_HOST=$hostip:3001 -e USER_ID_FIELD=Email -e PORT=$port --add-host=docker:$hostip -p $port:$port <DOCKER_IMAGE>
To run the tests run
yarn test
For both below helm commands make a copy of values.yaml within the helm/ocwa-frontend directory and modify it to contain the values specific for your deployment.
helm install --name ocwa-frontend --namespace ocwa ./helm/ocwa-frontend -f ./helm/ocwa-frontend/config.yaml
helm upgrade --name ocwa-frontend ./helm/ocwa-frontend -f ./helm/ocwa-frontend/config.yaml
This is a proof-of-concept "Hello World" app and is not at all considered production ready.