These Scripts are for exporting and generating v2 compatible data migration scripts on a 1.7 system.
- Refer to the Anonymization README for more detail.
- check out the desired tag/branch of this repo
- scp the contents of the data directory to the target system. Sepcifically, you will need export_data.rb and everything under the exporters directory
- ssh to the 1.7 system
- $ sudo -Hu primero bash
- $ cd ~/application/
- $ $ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails r /home/ubuntu/data/export_data.rb
(This will generate files in a record-data-files directory)
- exit back to the ubuntu user
- $ cd /srv/primero/application
- $ sudo tar czvf record-data-files.tar.gz record-data-files
- $ cd
- $ sudo mv /srv/primero/application/record-data-files.tar.gz .
$ tar -xzvf record-data-files.tar.gz
- If you haven't already, check out the desired tag/branch of this repo
- scp the import_data.rb script to the target system.
- the record-data-files directory should be at the same level as the import_data.rb script Ex: /home/ubuntu/import_data.rb /home/ubuntu/record-data-files/*
- Refer to the User Migration README for more detail.
Some configurations require additional migration scripts that do not apply to all configurations. Those migrations are to be created and stored in the configuration repository of your particular configuration.
- Create these under a migrations folder under your configuration root directory.
- Use naming format: 000_<script name>, 001_, 002_, etc.
- Refer to the User Migration README for more detail.
- $ docker ps (to get the name of the application image)
- $ docker cp record-data-files primero_application_1:/srv/primero/application/tmp/. (where primero_application_1 is the image name)
- $ docker cp import_data.rb primero_application_1:/srv/primero/application/tmp/.
If you have any implementation specific migrations, copy them to the docker container, same as above
- $ docker cp migrations primero_application_1:/srv/primero/application/tmp/.
- $ sudo docker exec -it primero_application_1 bash (to access the docker container)
- $ cd /srv/primero/application
- $ rails r ./tmp/import_data.rb > import_data.out
- $ rails r tmp/migrations/000_migrate_incident_fields.rb
- $ rake sunspot:remove_all
- $ rake sunspot:reindex