- Adjusts removal or preservation of auxiliary dimensions when filtering a conversion object.
- Adding categories M.3.C.4.SF, M.3.C.5.SF, M.NFC for FAOSTAT to IPCC2006_PRIMAP conversion.
- Add method to filter rules in conversion object by auxiliary dimension
- Add conversion from FAO to IPCC2006_PRIMAP and M-categories for FAO categorisation.
- Dropped support for Python 3.9 and 3.10.
- Added support for Python 3.12 and 3.13.
- Introduced minimum supported versions of dependencies.
- Fixed minimum dependencies for Python 3.13.
- Improved the documentation for the deployment process
- Added the category M.3.C.45.AG to the IPCC2006_PRIMAP categorisation
- Add a method to create a Conversion object from csv
- Use pypdf-table-extraction instead of camelot for extracting categorizations from pdf files.
- add M.BIO category
- Add new gas mixtures to the gas categorization.
- ISO3_GCAM: Removed extraneous "v" from version specifications in region codes
- Added ISO3_GCAM categorization which contains regions used in the integrated assessment model GCAM.
- ISO3: Add all parties to the UNFCCC as direct children of UNFCCC as first set of children. That way, it is easy to ergonomically get all parties to the UNFCCC without adding up Annex-I and Non-Annex-I parties manually.
- Add AOSIS country group to ISO3 categorization.
- Add ISO3 terminology for countries, areas, and country groups including UNFCCC signatories and Annex-I and Non-Annex-I groups and the evolution of the EU over time.
- Re-release again.
- Re-release to make sure py.typed is included in built package.
- add py.typed file to announce this library is using type hints.
- Remove pygments-csv-lexer dependency for docs building.
- Add function to find leaf children of a category, useful for re-calculating top-level categories from constituents.
- regenerate data included in the package to benefit from latest fixes in data generation scripts.
- Add updated CRF2013 terminologies for 2021, 2022, and 2023 submission rounds
- The unfccc DI API recently returns unspecified measure IDs. data_generation/CRFDI_class.py was fixed to ignore them.
- Add CRF2013 terminology for data submitted by AnnexI countries to the UNFCCC
- Drop support for Python 3.7 and 3.8, add support for Python 3.11
- Change conversion metadata format to use comment chars and a YAML header.
- Use Python files instead of pickle objects for caching
- Export Category and HierarchicalCategory types.
- Add ConversionRule.is_restricted attribute to easily check if a rule is restricted to specific auxiliary categories.
- Export Conversion and ConversionRule types.
- Add emissions categorization from the Reduced Complexity Model Intercomparison Project (RCMIP). Thanks to Robert Gieseke for the contribution and Zeb Nicholls for input.
- Automate changelog generation from snippets - avoids resolving merge conflicts manually
- Automate github releases.
- Add category "0" (National total) to IPCC1996 and IPCC2006 categorizations. While it is not in the official specification, it is widely used and adding it also enables automatically assigning a level to all other categories.
- Add categorization CRF1999 used within in the common reporting framework data.
- Refactor rendering of large categorizations using
, adding more clarity to alternative child sets. Add usage documentation forshow_as_tree()
. Thanks to Robert Gieseke for feedback. - Fixes for IPCC2006 categorization (and IPCC2006_PRIMAP):
- proper title for category 3.B.3.a "Grassland Remaining Grassland"
- correct corresponding 1996 category for category 1.A.4.c.ii
- Fixes for IPCC1996 categorization:
- category 4.B.10 has the correct title "Anaerobic Lagoons"
- correct usage of units in the titles of categories 4.C.3.a and 4.C.3.b
- Add mechanism to describe conversions between categorizations.
- Add conversion between IPCC2006 and IPCC1996.
- Add algorithm to detect over counting in conversions between categorizations.
- Refactor generation of IPCC2006 and IPCC1996 categorizations.
- Add function to find unmapped categories in a conversion.
- Add Global Carbon Budget categorization.
- Add gas categorization which includes commonly used climate forcing substances.
- Add IPCC2006_PRIMAP categorization.
- Add refrigerant sub-classes and additional codes to CRFDI_class.
- Add BURDI, CRFDI, BURDI_class, and CRFDI_class categorizations and scripts to generate them from the UNFCCC DI flexible query API.
- Switch
output to ruamel.yaml so that valid, correctly typed YAML 1.2 is written. This should enable easier re-use of the data in other contexts. - Consistently use title case for titles in IPCC categorizations.
- Add more unit tests.
- Add consistency tests for IPCC categorizations.
- Update documentation.
- Add data format documentation.
- Use tbump for simpler versioning.
- Properly include data files in binary releases.
- Add IPCC1996 categorization and scripts to generate it from the source pdf.
- Change packaging to declarative style.
- Automate generation of pickled files via Makefile.
- Automate loading of included categorizations.
- Re-release again to trigger zenodo.
- Re-release to include correct changelog.
- Introduce API for multiple codes and multiple children.
- Implement classes and functions.
- Add IPCC2006 categorization and scripts to generate it from the source pdf.
- First release on PyPI.
- Contains documentation and a stub API for querying, but no working code yet.