All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
6.1.4 (2025-03-12)
6.1.3 (2025-03-12)
- improve job retrieval logic in method for clarity (b7ac3d1)
- optimize job creation logic in method to avoid unnecessary await (80d03e7)
6.1.2 (2025-03-02)
- enhance job retrieval logic in method to create job if not found (62ab944)
6.1.1 (2025-03-02)
- update job creation logic in method (ceb4e7d)
6.1.0 (2025-03-02)
- add delay utility function and enhance job management methods (36ac087)
- enable esModuleInterop and update import statements for consistency (bf5ce7d)
- use sudo for global npm installation in CI workflow (dac2671)
Switching from ncb000gt/node-cron to harrisiirak/cron-parser for cron-pattern parsing.
Previously month was 0-based (0=January). Going forward standard Unix pattern is used, which is 1-based (1=January).
Please update existing cron-patterns that specify a month (4th position of a pattern). The month is now 1 - 12
1 = January
2 = February
Example Execute on 1st of January Old 0 0 1 0 * New 0 0 1 1 * old Cron patterns
* * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 0-11) NOTE: Difference here | | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +---------- Hour (range: 0-23) +------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
new cron patterns
* * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 1-12) NOTE: Difference here | | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +---------- Hour (range: 0-23) +------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
Co-authored-by: Aras Abbasi
- add queue size to running stats (6271781)
- added @breejs to README (68ade1d)
- allow to fork jobs in isolated sub process (2a68c95)
- check if job state update was successful before running a job (606e141)
- database: upgrade mongodb -> 3.1 (fd077d1)
- isRunning querys database again if called by client (1aaaa61)
🐛 re-enable broken test (abfd348)
add fork paramters to console (9f2e7fd)
add job name again stats output (1aa2d4a)
add types for chai and fix expect in agenda.test.ts (7d508a9)
add typings for events (a6c0356)
allow data type defintions for jobs (ef85fc5)
allow passing forkMode to every (ff274ba)
allow returing details for status (7a8a5bf)
bind correct context to process (cf70739)
calculate nextRunAt when endDate is undefined (#1227) (a7a2b83)
changelog for v4 (dd8b569)
check if abort controller is supported (a00d611)
check if job has expired before we run it (e301511)
check if job is still alive (a39c809)
check if lockedAt has been resetted in the meantime (aa5323b)
database: use db() syntax rather than pulling dbName from client (b811523)
define: warning if job definition exists already (3fe9a6d)
deps: update dependency human-interval to v2 (#1134) (d6bcf03)
ensure check if job is dead is ending sometime :-) (39950f3)
ensure jobs are filled up till concurrency reached (1a8bb31)
ensure locked at is processed as date (3a5a0c4)
ensure new jobs are put on the left side of the job processing queue (30e68ba)
export all kind of types (3bd90dc)
fix outpout of agenda job status details (82ab1a8)
fix outpout of agenda job status details (7b24f88)
fix outpout of agenda job status details (3dc0709)
give the test some more time (e2cacb5)
improve error message for on handler (92d42ca)
improve errors for childs (8e3b827)
improve exit code error message (f1a5eb8)
improve locking and ensure locks are released (3160f0d)
isRunning for non job processor calls (a5bb965)
isRunning, check if db returns a result (e6ea7e2)
job processor handling for recurring jobs could fill up queue and block processing (54bc53c)
job processor localQueueProcessing flag (413f673)
job timeout check and improve error handling for childs (b365957)
job-processor: emit error when db query fails (9bfabd3)
job-processor: emit error when db query fails (eff80aa)
job: ensure agenda is ready before calling save job (be4c026)
jobprocessor: check for object.fromEntries for node 10 support (#3) (b8cc61f)
jobprocessor: check if set timeout value is valid (2afaaa3)
jobprocessor: ensure returnNextConcurrencyFreeJob is not returning same job each time (11d6606)
jobprocessor: ensure set timeout is only called once for each job in the queue (1590224)
jobprocessor: improve checkIfJobIsStillAlive (2919083)
jobprocessor: introduce a canceled property to check if job is still alive (55b63d7)
jobprocessor: prevent overloading of job queue processing (9854007)
jobprocessor: set job enqueud to true for future jobs (a3d4203)
locking: ensure jobs are not locked too greedy (5bc123a)
logic for datbase connection (7ee64c1)
promise-based (#667) (0840588), closes / / -
make agenda.cancel no longer require a callback (5f895e3), closes #249
make optional mongo-collection optional and allow dates for dates (#1258) (29267cb)
nextRunAt value can be null (e39cfd0)
not running jobs even though concurrency is not reached (0e82025)
only unlock jobs which have a nextRunAt jobs on shutdown (291f16e)
only unlock jobs with a next run at date on shutdown (a458aea)
only update job state fields during job processing (be8e51b)
process-jobs: also add name to lock call (481ea77)
ready and error events are allowed wihtin sub workers (cb4228c)
rename err to error, fix typing of DefinitionProcessor, use debug ins… (#9) (39b598e)
simplified verbiage (ee3ce39)
simplify default values (35d5424)
simplify unlocking and improve logging (a70f500)
skip index creation (5242736)
small code cleanups and new flag to toggle (2a6e5fe)
someone updated bee to bree (they are two separate packages) (c98ba5c)
test: cleanup tests (c5d081a)
test: debug failed lock expire test (7d69680)
test: debug failed priority test (924287c)
test: fix timeout check (e92cd85)
test: just check if there are almost all jobs running (b2a5e6e)
tests, agenda-instance should have a smaller processEvery (b248a2b)
tests: rm console log from debugging (b211c8e)
test: unlock job test fix (6446b64)
too greedy locking (26ad106)
try to solve the locking issue (d2f3b20)
typings: names -> name (c2ca928)
update deps and switch moment-timezone to luxon (e5eb973)
update: when saving a job via _id add job name (24f6a84)
use different appraoch to find definition file (9d4c60e)
use message bus instead of signal to cancel child (fcec3a9)
use new mongo stack (a2e74a9)
wait for start of test job (413f797)
wrong initial value and lower processEvery for agenda-instance.js (#1131) (ff9dd7a)
5.0.1 (2025-01-27)
6.0.1 (2025-01-27)
5.0.1 (2025-01-27)
Switching from ncb000gt/node-cron to harrisiirak/cron-parser for cron-pattern parsing.
Previously month was 0-based (0=January). Going forward standard Unix pattern is used, which is 1-based (1=January).
Please update existing cron-patterns that specify a month (4th position of a pattern). The month is now 1 - 12
1 = January
2 = February
Example Execute on 1st of January Old 0 0 1 0 * New 0 0 1 1 * old Cron patterns
* * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 0-11) NOTE: Difference here | | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +---------- Hour (range: 0-23) +------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
new cron patterns
* * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 1-12) NOTE: Difference here | | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +---------- Hour (range: 0-23) +------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
Co-authored-by: Aras Abbasi
- add queue size to running stats (6271781)
- added @breejs to README (68ade1d)
- allow to fork jobs in isolated sub process (2a68c95)
- check if job state update was successful before running a job (606e141)
- database: upgrade mongodb -> 3.1 (fd077d1)
- isRunning querys database again if called by client (1aaaa61)
🐛 re-enable broken test (abfd348)
add fork paramters to console (9f2e7fd)
add job name again stats output (1aa2d4a)
add types for chai and fix expect in agenda.test.ts (7d508a9)
add typings for events (a6c0356)
allow data type defintions for jobs (ef85fc5)
allow passing forkMode to every (ff274ba)
allow returing details for status (7a8a5bf)
bind correct context to process (cf70739)
calculate nextRunAt when endDate is undefined (#1227) (a7a2b83)
changelog for v4 (dd8b569)
check if abort controller is supported (a00d611)
check if job has expired before we run it (e301511)
check if job is still alive (a39c809)
check if lockedAt has been resetted in the meantime (aa5323b)
database: use db() syntax rather than pulling dbName from client (b811523)
define: warning if job definition exists already (3fe9a6d)
deps: update dependency human-interval to v2 (#1134) (d6bcf03)
ensure check if job is dead is ending sometime :-) (39950f3)
ensure jobs are filled up till concurrency reached (1a8bb31)
ensure locked at is processed as date (3a5a0c4)
ensure new jobs are put on the left side of the job processing queue (30e68ba)
export all kind of types (3bd90dc)
fix outpout of agenda job status details (82ab1a8)
fix outpout of agenda job status details (7b24f88)
fix outpout of agenda job status details (3dc0709)
give the test some more time (e2cacb5)
improve error message for on handler (92d42ca)
improve errors for childs (8e3b827)
improve exit code error message (f1a5eb8)
improve locking and ensure locks are released (3160f0d)
isRunning for non job processor calls (a5bb965)
isRunning, check if db returns a result (e6ea7e2)
job processor handling for recurring jobs could fill up queue and block processing (54bc53c)
job processor localQueueProcessing flag (413f673)
job timeout check and improve error handling for childs (b365957)
job-processor: emit error when db query fails (9bfabd3)
job-processor: emit error when db query fails (eff80aa)
job: ensure agenda is ready before calling save job (be4c026)
jobprocessor: check for object.fromEntries for node 10 support (#3) (b8cc61f)
jobprocessor: check if set timeout value is valid (2afaaa3)
jobprocessor: ensure returnNextConcurrencyFreeJob is not returning same job each time (11d6606)
jobprocessor: ensure set timeout is only called once for each job in the queue (1590224)
jobprocessor: improve checkIfJobIsStillAlive (2919083)
jobprocessor: introduce a canceled property to check if job is still alive (55b63d7)
jobprocessor: prevent overloading of job queue processing (9854007)
jobprocessor: set job enqueud to true for future jobs (a3d4203)
locking: ensure jobs are not locked too greedy (5bc123a)
logic for datbase connection (7ee64c1)
promise-based (#667) (0840588), closes / / -
make agenda.cancel no longer require a callback (5f895e3), closes #249
make optional mongo-collection optional and allow dates for dates (#1258) (29267cb)
nextRunAt value can be null (e39cfd0)
not running jobs even though concurrency is not reached (0e82025)
only unlock jobs which have a nextRunAt jobs on shutdown (291f16e)
only unlock jobs with a next run at date on shutdown (a458aea)
only update job state fields during job processing (be8e51b)
process-jobs: also add name to lock call (481ea77)
ready and error events are allowed wihtin sub workers (cb4228c)
rename err to error, fix typing of DefinitionProcessor, use debug ins… (#9) (39b598e)
simplified verbiage (ee3ce39)
simplify default values (35d5424)
simplify unlocking and improve logging (a70f500)
skip index creation (5242736)
small code cleanups and new flag to toggle (2a6e5fe)
someone updated bee to bree (they are two separate packages) (c98ba5c)
test: cleanup tests (c5d081a)
test: debug failed lock expire test (7d69680)
test: debug failed priority test (924287c)
test: fix timeout check (e92cd85)
test: just check if there are almost all jobs running (b2a5e6e)
tests, agenda-instance should have a smaller processEvery (b248a2b)
tests: rm console log from debugging (b211c8e)
test: unlock job test fix (6446b64)
too greedy locking (26ad106)
try to solve the locking issue (d2f3b20)
typings: names -> name (c2ca928)
update deps and switch moment-timezone to luxon (e5eb973)
update: when saving a job via _id add job name (24f6a84)
use different appraoch to find definition file (9d4c60e)
use message bus instead of signal to cancel child (fcec3a9)
use new mongo stack (a2e74a9)
wait for start of test job (413f797)
wrong initial value and lower processEvery for agenda-instance.js (#1131) (ff9dd7a)
6.2.12 (2022-08-02)
- improve error message for on handler (92d42ca)
6.2.11 (2022-05-23)
- bind correct context to process (cf70739)
6.2.10 (2022-05-23)
6.2.9 (2022-05-20)
- job timeout check and improve error handling for childs (b365957)
6.2.8 (2022-05-11)
- use message bus instead of signal to cancel child (fcec3a9)
6.2.7 (2022-05-11)
- use different appraoch to find definition file (9d4c60e)
6.2.6 (2022-05-10)
- add fork paramters to console (9f2e7fd)
6.2.5 (2022-05-10)
- improve exit code error message (f1a5eb8)
6.2.4 (2022-05-10)
- check if abort controller is supported (a00d611)
6.2.3 (2022-05-10)
6.2.2 (2022-05-10)
- allow passing forkMode to every (ff274ba)
6.2.1 (2022-05-10)
- small code cleanups and new flag to toggle (2a6e5fe)
6.2.0 (2022-05-09)
- allow to fork jobs in isolated sub process (2a68c95)
6.1.1 (2022-04-05)
6.1.0 (2022-03-21)
- check if job state update was successful before running a job (606e141)
6.0.9 (2022-03-18)
6.0.8 (2022-01-10)
6.0.7 (2021-12-12)
6.0.6 (2021-12-10)
- ensure locked at is processed as date (3a5a0c4)
6.0.5 (2021-12-10)
6.0.4 (2021-12-05)
- nextRunAt value can be null (e39cfd0)
6.0.3 (2021-12-03)
- check if job has expired before we run it (e301511)
6.0.2 (2021-10-28)
6.0.0 (2021-08-27)
- Upgrade to mongo driver 4
5.0.1 (2021-02-12)
- update deps and switch moment-timezone to luxon (e5eb973)
5.0.0 (2020-12-06)
Switching from ncb000gt/node-cron to harrisiirak/cron-parser for cron-pattern parsing.
Previously month was 0-based (0=January). Going forward standard Unix pattern is used, which is 1-based (1=January).
Please update existing cron-patterns that specify a month (4th position of a pattern). The month is now 1 - 12
1 = January
2 = February
Example Execute on 1st of January Old 0 0 1 0 * New 0 0 1 1 * old Cron patterns
* * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 0-11) NOTE: Difference here | | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +---------- Hour (range: 0-23) +------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
new cron patterns
* * * * * * | | | | | | | | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000) | | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday) | | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 1-12) NOTE: Difference here | | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31) | +---------- Hour (range: 0-23) +------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
Co-authored-by: Aras Abbasi
4.1.6 (2020-11-19)
- only unlock jobs with a next run at date on shutdown (a458aea)
4.1.5 (2020-11-19)
- jobprocessor: ensure set timeout is only called once for each job in the queue (1590224)
4.1.4 (2020-11-18)
- jobprocessor: check if set timeout value is valid (2afaaa3)
4.1.3 (2020-10-30)
- only unlock jobs which have a nextRunAt jobs on shutdown (291f16e)
- simplify default values (35d5424)
4.1.2 (2020-10-25)
4.1.1 (2020-10-25)
- isRunning, check if db returns a result (e6ea7e2)
4.1.0 (2020-10-25)
- isRunning querys database again if called by client (1aaaa61)
- job processor handling for recurring jobs could fill up queue and block processing (54bc53c)
- job processor localQueueProcessing flag (413f673)
- rename err to error, fix typing of DefinitionProcessor, use debug ins… (#9) (39b598e)
- use isNaN check in isValidDate (#10) (3bc2e30)
4.0.33 (2020-10-24)
- fix outpout of agenda job status details (82ab1a8)
- fix outpout of agenda job status details (7b24f88)
- fix outpout of agenda job status details (3dc0709)
4.0.32 (2020-10-24)
- logic for datbase connection (7ee64c1)
4.0.31 (2020-10-23)
- job-processor: emit error when db query fails (9bfabd3)
4.0.30 (2020-10-23)
- job-processor: emit error when db query fails (eff80aa)
4.0.29 (2020-10-22)
4.0.28 (2020-10-20)
- tests: rm console log from debugging (b211c8e)
4.0.27 (2020-10-20)
- define: warning if job definition exists already (3fe9a6d)
- job: ensure agenda is ready before calling save job (be4c026)
- test: cleanup tests (c5d081a)
- test: debug failed lock expire test (7d69680)
- test: debug failed priority test (924287c)
- test: fix timeout check (e92cd85)
- typings: names -> name (c2ca928)
4.0.26 (2020-10-20)
- test: just check if there are almost all jobs running (b2a5e6e)
4.0.25 (2020-10-20)
- jobprocessor: check for object.fromEntries for node 10 support (#3) (b8cc61f)
- jobprocessor: ensure returnNextConcurrencyFreeJob is not returning same job each time (11d6606)
- jobprocessor: set job enqueud to true for future jobs (a3d4203)
- test: unlock job test fix (6446b64)
- more typings, minor functionality changes (#2) (b13d054)
4.0.24 (2020-10-20)
- jobprocessor: improve checkIfJobIsStillAlive (2919083)
- jobprocessor: prevent overloading of job queue processing (9854007)
4.0.22 (2020-10-16)
- jobprocessor: introduce a canceled property to check if job is still alive (55b63d7)
4.0.21 (2020-10-15)
- add job name again stats output (1aa2d4a)
- Add try/catch block to agenda#now method (#876) (8e1fe23)
- add types for chai and fix expect in agenda.test.ts (7d508a9)
- add typings for events (a6c0356)
- allow data type defintions for jobs (ef85fc5)
- allow returing details for status (7a8a5bf)
- check if job is still alive (a39c809)
- ensure check if job is dead is ending sometime :-) (39950f3)
- ensure jobs are filled up till concurrency reached (1a8bb31)
- ensure new jobs are put on the left side of the job processing queue (30e68ba)
- export all kind of types (3bd90dc)
- improve locking and ensure locks are released (3160f0d)
- make
promise-based (#667) (0840588), closes / / - not running jobs even though concurrency is not reached (0e82025)
- simplified verbiage (ee3ce39)
- simplify unlocking and improve logging (a70f500)
- skip index creation (5242736)
- tests, agenda-instance should have a smaller processEvery (b248a2b)
- try to solve the locking issue (d2f3b20)
- use new mongo stack (a2e74a9)
- locking: ensure jobs are not locked too greedy (5bc123a)
- process-jobs: also add name to lock call (481ea77)
- update: when saving a job via _id add job name (24f6a84)
Stay safe!
- Fix for skipImmediate resetting nextRunAt to current date (#860) (Thanks @AshlinDuncan!)
- Fix deprecated reconnect options (#948) (Thanks @ekegodigital!)
- Add ability to set a skip when querying jobs. (#898) (Thanks @cjolif!)
- Fixed deprecated MongoDB functions in tests (#928) (Thanks @MichielDeMey!)
- Updated devDependencies
Thank you @koresar, @sampathBlam, and @MichielDeMey helping to review PRs for this release! 👏
- Support MongoDB's Unified Topology Design (#921) (Thanks @viktorzavadil!)
- Fix: check that the new nextRunAt is different that the previous nextRunAt (#863) (Thanks @RaphaelRheault!)
- Update dependencies. Most notably MongoDB driver 3.4 → 3.5 (#899, #900, #903, #906, #908, #910, #912, #913, #920, #922)
- Documentation updates, thanks @MichielDeMey and @Sunghee2. (#923 & #907)
- Stop testing for Node.js 8. This might still work but we're no longer actively testing for it. (#925)
- Improved performance in situations when there are many "expired" jobs in the database (#869) (Thanks @mfred488!)
- Fix periodic node.js process unhandledRejection (#887) (Thanks @koresar and @Scorpil)
- Update dependencies
- Fix
option in.every
(#861) (Thanks @erics2783!) - Add try/catch block to agenda#now method (#876) (Thanks @sampathBlam!)
- Refactor job queuing mechanism. Agenda n ow guarantees priority when executing jobs scheduled the same datetime. Fixes also some tests. (#852) (Thank you @dmbarreiro!)
- Update dependencies (Kudos @simison!)
Most notably
~3.2.7 -> ~3.3.0 (changelog) — highlights:- Mongo DB Server Version 4.2 feature support
- Merged
- Beta support for MongoDB Client-Side Encryption
- SRV Polling for Sharded Clusters
- Updates to documentation (Thank you @lautarobock, @sampathBlam, @indatawetrust)
- Support async functions in job processing (#653) (thanks @princjef!)
- Allow sorting and limiting jobs when searching (#665) (thank you @edwin-jones)
- Update MongoClient connection settings with
useNewUrlParser: true
to remove the deprecation warning. (#806) (thanks @dpawson905!) - Allow valid date strings when scheduling (#808) (Thanks @wingsbob!)
- Update dependencies (#820)
- Update documentation (kudos @dandv, @pedruino and many others!)
- Fix linting errors (#847) (thanks @dmbarreiro!)
- Fixes a MongoDB connection string issue with Atlas (#674
- Fix a bug where
wasn't promise based, as it should've been (#667
- Rewrite tests: replace
(#506) - Optimization: don't try and unlock jobs when
is empty (#509) - Code cleanup (#503)
- Ensure tests pass for Node.js version 10 #608)
- Add
options to skip immediate run of repeated jobs when Agenda starts. See documentation (#594) - Fixes some flaky tests
- Adds docs generator (
npm run docs
to generate/docs
Rewrite Agenda API support promises! (#557)
No more callbacks! Instead of:
function graceful() { agenda.stop(function() { process.exit(0); }); }
You need to:
async function graceful() { await agenda.stop(); process.exit(0); }
You don't anymore have to listen for
event. Instead you can do:await agenda.start(); agenda.every('10 minutes', 'example');
However, this will still work:
agenda.on('ready', function () { agenda.every('10 minutes', 'example'); agenda.start(); });
See the documentation for more!
Drop support for MongoDB 2.4 (#497)
Update Native MongoDB driver to 3.1 from 2.2 (#616)
Jobs emit errors instead of throwing them
- Update dependencies (2854c7e)
- Update dependencies (2854c7e)
- Update dependencies
Fix jobs not running in order of them being queued (#464)
Changes in Cron string parsing, changed parsing library from ncb000gt/node-cron to harrisiirak/cron-parser (#475)
Previously Agenda would treat months as 0-11 where as normally, cron months are parsed as 1-12.
* * * * * *
| | | | | |
| | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000)
| | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday)
| | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 0-11) NOTE: Difference here
| | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31)
| +---------- Hour (range: 0-23)
+------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
Starting in version 1.0.0
, cron will be parsed in the standard UNIX style:
* * * * * *
| | | | | |
| | | | | +-- Year (range: 1900-3000)
| | | | +---- Day of the Week (range: 1-7, 1 standing for Monday)
| | | +------ Month of the Year (range: 1-12) NOTE: Difference here
| | +-------- Day of the Month (range: 1-31)
| +---------- Hour (range: 0-23)
+------------ Minute (range: 0-59)
- Adds debugging, see instructions from
- Unpublished and re-published as v0.10.2
- Replace the deprecated
method from native MongoDB driver tofindOneAndUpdate
(#448) - Going forward, we won't ensure Node.js v0.10 and v0.11 compatibility anymore (#449)
- Code cleanup (#491, #489, #488, #487)
Republish release for NPM. Includes fixes from 0.9.0 release:
- add support for
, fixes #156 - Fix for race condition in the afterEach clean up code (#355)
- Fixes + protects against concurrency not being honored (#379)
- add support for
, fixes #156 - Fix for race condition in the afterEach clean up code (#355)
- Fixes + protects against concurrency not being honored (#379)
- Bump mongodb dep version to support ssl conns (#368)
- Increase Mongo compatability to 2.4
- Add Node v6 to CI
- Update dev dependencies for out of date. 2. Small fix to job.js for invalid repeatAt
- Update .npmignore
- Fix doc: cb not marked as optional (closes #279)
- Including nextRunAt check in query for on the fly lock.
- Picking up any job with an expired lock (not just recurring or queued).
- Fixed failing test
- throw on processJobResult error
- Requeuing concurrency blocked jobs wrt priority.
- Processing the next job that is not blocked by concurrency.
- Fix test which fails only sometimes
- Add agendash as alternative ui
- Merge pull request #288 from diesal11/master
- Implementing lock limit
- Use callback to handle errors if we can.
- fix: ReferenceError: MongoError is not defined
- fix: computeNextRunAt timezone bug
- feat: add timezone option for repeatAt.
- fix: job locking logic
- fix: bug with jobs expiring and being enqueued anyway
- fix: bug where jobs wouldn't run concurrently
- fix: agenda throwing an exception when starting a job defined on another instance
- fix: possible bug when using extended Array.prototype
- feat: Add failCount attribute to jobs
- fix: job priority for on the fly job lock and queueing is now respected
- fix: make agenda.cancel no longer require a callback
- fix: stale jobs running after a more up-to-date job has completed
- fix: fail/success event emit after jobs have been saved in the database
- fix: ready event when using config.mongo
- Adds options.insertOnly to job.unique that prevents the job from being updated multiple times on multiple runs
- fix job priority scheduling
- add support for success callbacks on schedule, every and now (@mgregson)
- using self for reference to collection (@3choBoomer)
- emit ready from db_init (@jdiamond)
- Rollback job completion callback to pre-0.7.0
- Emit events when Agenda init is ready or has failed
- Switch from mongoskin to mongodb native. Big thanks to the classdojo team for this. Shoutouts to @liamdon, @jetzhou and @byronmwong for the help!
- Fix for when _findAndLockNextJob returns multiple jobs.
- code cleanup, fix leaking ignoreErrors
- fix double run bug
- Allow specifying mongo config (optionally)
- Fix .every() running when using cron strings.
- Remove debugger
- add job.unique (@nwkeeley)
- Re-add tests for those who use the
- add job.disable() and job.enable()
- Added .npmignore for test/ build scripts.
- Create database indexes when initializing Agenda instance (@andyneville)
- Implemented job.isRunning()
- Fixed issue where jobs would continue being processed after agenda is explicitly stopped
- Fixed complete event being emitted before asynchronous jobs are finished
- add job.repeatAt
- fix job queue being processed even when agenda was stopped
- fix agenda.every method
- fix agenda.every overwriting nextRunAt [closes #70]
- Added agenda.cancel function
- Fix more circumstances where jobs re-create after remove
- fix jobs resaving after remove [closes #66]
- fix jobs skipping in line from database querying
- update saveJob to allow for pre-set Ids [closes #64]
- add job.touch to reset lock lifetime [references #63]
- make job saving use agenda._name
- add config method
- fix agenda.mongo not being chainable
- add graceful job unlocking to stop
- Implement, document, and test defaultLockLifetime [@shakefu]
- Bump date.js version [@psema4]
- mongoskin version bump (better support for mongodb 2.6) [@loginx]
- fix $setOnInsert with empty obj cause mongodb 2.6 complain [@inetfuture]
- fix cron-jobs executing multiple times
- fail the job if repeat interval is wrong
- fix bug that resulted in jobs scheduled in memory to always re-run
- Update mongoskin to 1.3
- allow every and schedule to take array of job names
- convert to using setTimeout for precise job scheduling [closes #6]
- fix agenda.every not properly saving jobs
- improve instantiating jobs, fixes bug where certain attrs weren't loaded in
- add job#remove method
- Fixed single jobs not being saved properly [closes #38]
- fix every re-running jobs out of queue at load
- Added failing for jobs with undefined definitions
- Added agenda.purge() to remove old jobs
- added support to directly give mongoskin object, to help minimize connections
- Added start event to jobs. (@clayzermki)
- Added method
- Added ability for to take an error
- Updated version of humanInterval, adding weeks and months support
- Added job locking mechanism, enabling support for multiple works / agenda instances (@bars3s)
- fix job.toJson method: add failReason & failedAt attrs (Broken in 0.4.3 and 0.4.2)
- fix job cb for working with 'q' promises
- fix job.schedule's taking Date object as 'when' argument [@bars3s]
- Refactored Job to ensure that everything is stored as an ISODate in the Database. [Closes #14] [@raisch]
- Added support for synchronous job definitions
- Added Cron Support [Closes #2]
- removed modella dependency
- Fix for setImmediate on Node 0.8
- Added Events to the Event Queue [References #7]
- Fixed a bug where mongo wasn't giving updated document
- Added error for running undefined job. [Closes #4]
- Fixed critical error where new jobs are not correctly saved.
- Small Bug fix for global-namespace pollution
- Updated write concern to avoid annoying notices
- Removed unecessary UUID code
- Initial Release