This is it, the last week of class. There is no project this week because of the final exam. We may have started out rocky, but I think we ended up finding a good balance. Hopefully, along the way, you learned some things. I want to put in perspective this course and why do taught what we did.
If you think about it, all that's going on in a computer is bytes of 1s and 0s and putting them in a specific order which we all agree means something. In this class, you learned paradigms, which in my opinion, are basically just schools of thought on how to think of using, representing and manipulating these bit streams. Remember at the end of the day, languages are just ways to express what we want to do with these bits. At the high level these things are called idioms (things that are language independent).
You can now be more expressive with to your computer. You can now be more concise with your expressions. Consider the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
void* add1(void* a){
*(int*)a = (*(int*)a + 1);
return a;
void* apply(void * fun (void*), void* a){
return fun(a);
int main(){
int value = 7;
apply(add1, &value);
printf("Value is: %d\n", value);
return 0;
and its analogous equivalent in racket:
(define (my-apply input-func param) (input-func param));;
(my-apply add1 7);;
Now in the C code, you know have basically functional programming, where you can treat functions as data. But as you can see its more concise and easier to read and use in racket. Now, conversely, you can now introduce concepts and parts of paradigms to languages you already know, like how we just added functional aspects to C.
If you looked at Befunge's project, you can tell that it has elements of Forth
in it. Rust is basically C except you take out the vulnerabilities and you add
more secure concepts. You can easily get a Rust slice
with a C struct
. Lua
which has no tuples, can have something act like a tuple with just a tables.
However in all these cases, the overhead is immense and you might as well just
switch to whatever language you feel to best compliment the problem you are
trying to solve which leads to the next point: certain problems are easier to
solve in certain ways.
One thing that really interests me are words in other languages which we do not have in English. Examples: Komorebi (Japanese): the effect of sunlight shining through the leaves of a tree. Zugzwang (German - used in Chess): all moves are worse than takng your turn. Estrenar (Spanish) - to wear something for the first time. The interesting thing about this is that when you have a word for something, it is hypothesized that you are more sensitive to it. It's like its easier to express yourself when you have a word for what you are feeling.
Programming paradigms are just like this, they are more oriented around certain
aspects. Suppose I want give you a list of people who are over 6 feet tall
and a list of people who like the color blue. If i ask you to tell me all the
people who are over 6 feet and like blue, there's a few ways you could solve
this problem. You could just iterate through the list of one and check if
that person is on the other list. This is a simple double for loop and
comparison algorithm in most languages. Yet in sql you could just query the
lists on people who match both conditions (select * from people WHERE height>6 AND color='blue'
). Or in Prolog you could create a relationship and ask who
is in this relationship (querry(x) :- blue(x),sixfeet(x).
). Of course this is
a trade off in all of these, the overhead of putting properly formed data into
whatever language you are using, but suppose you didn't have to worry about
that. I would argue that the double for loop is not the best way to get an
In your other CS classes, you may be taught that there are usually 2 major constraints on an algorithm, space and time. I argue that ease of programming should be another constraint. Think about how fast your programs could be if you wrote them all in straight assembly. No one does this because writing in assembly is hard (though if you take compilers, security or OS, you get used to it). Which leads to the final point: learning a language is hard.
Learning a language cannot be done in 14 days. However, you can learn how to express the basics in a language in 14 days. We were initially too ambitious when we believed you can learn the basics in 7 days, but 14 days to learn looping, conditionals, and primitives seemed to be fine (along with any other basics needed to solve most problems). Yet just because you can use a language does not make one fluent. It takes time to be comfortable with a language, and to be able to use it to do all that you want.
However, just like spoken languages, the more languages you learn, the more syntaxes and grammars and paradigms you learn, the easier it is to learn more. You may recognize patterns in languages to help you learn them, and this works on the meta aspect as well. Languages have patterns and there are patterns to languages that once you learn the easier it is to learn new ones because you are already familiar.
One of the goals of this course was to get you introduced to a variety of languages so if you wanted to explore them more you could, or if you needed to learn a new language it would be easier to do so. If you want to continue from this point, the next step would to be able to recognize when to use which language, or train you to think in different ways to know how to use each language in a certain setting. Giving you one project per language would not be sufficient to do this. We hope that this course was helpful in teaching you how to use the tools and to introduce new ones to you.
Languages are weird and learning them takes time. You should understand a paradigm to understand when to use it rather than to learn a language to finish a project.