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Releases: plotly/dash

Dash v1.12.0

05 May 18:52
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #1228 Adds control over firing callbacks on page (or layout chunk) load. Individual callbacks can have their initial calls disabled in their definition @app.callback(..., prevent_initial_call=True) and similar for app.clientside_callback. The app-wide default can also be changed with app=Dash(prevent_initial_callbacks=True), then individual callbacks may disable this behavior.
  • #1201 New attribute app.validation_layout allows you to create a multi-page app without suppress_callback_exceptions=True or layout function tricks. Set this to a component layout containing the superset of all IDs on all pages in your app.
  • #1078 Permit usage of arbitrary file extensions for assets within component libraries


  • #1224 Fixes #1223, a very specific situation in which initial callbacks will not fire.
  • #1220 Fixes #1216, a set of related issues about pattern-matching callbacks with ALL wildcards in their Output which would fail if no components matched the pattern.
  • #1212 Fixes #1200 - prior to Dash 1.11, if none of the inputs to a callback were on the page, it was not an error. This was, and is now again, treated as though the callback raised PreventUpdate. The one exception to this is with pattern-matching callbacks, when every Input uses a multi-value wildcard (ALL or ALLSMALLER), and every Output is on the page. In that case the callback fires as usual.
  • #1201 Fixes #1193 - prior to Dash 1.11, you could use flask.has_request_context() == False inside an app.layout function to provide a special layout containing all IDs for validation purposes in a multi-page app. Dash 1.11 broke this when we moved most of this validation into the renderer. This change makes it work again.



  • #793 Added title key (i.e. HTML title attribute) to option dicts in dcc.Dropdown options[] list property.


  • #792 Improved the robustness of dcc.Store components, fixing #456 whereby persistent storage could become corrupted, and fixing lifecycle issues that prevented adding Store components to the page after initial loading.
  • #790 Fixed bug where the dcc.Dropdown dropdown was hidden by the dash_table.DataTable fixed rows and columns.


  • #800
    • Upgraded plotly.js to 1.54.1
    • Feature release of Plotly.js 1.54.0 which:
      • Introduces new drag modes "drawline", "drawrect", "drawcircle", "drawopenpath", "drawclosedpath", adds optional modebar buttons for drawing & removing new shapes inside cartesian subplots, adds newshape and activeshape attributes to layout, and adds editable and fillrule attributes to layout.shapes#4775
    • Add angle and allowoverlap attributes to marker of scattermapbox traces#4575, #4794
    • Also contains various other fixes



  • #729 Improve conditional styling
    • style_data_conditional: Add support for row_index and column_id array of values
    • style_header_conditional: Add support for header_index and column_id array of values
    • style_filter_conditional: Add support for column_id array of values
    • style_cell_conditional: Add support for column_id array of values
    • style_data_conditional: Add new conditions state: 'active'|'selected' to customize selected and active cell styles


  • #722 Fix a bug where row height is misaligned when using fixed_columns and/or fixed_rows
  • #728 Fix copy/paste on readonly cells
  • #724 Fix active_cell docstring: clarify optional nature of the row_id nested prop
  • #732 Fix a bug where opening a dropdown scrolled the table down its last row
  • #731 Fix a bug where data=None and columns=None caused the table to throw an error
  • #766 Sanitize table id for stylesheet injection (fixes usage with Pattern-Matching callbacks)


  • #758 Improve error message for invalid filter queries

Dash v1.11.0

10 Apr 14:22
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #1103 Pattern-matching IDs and callbacks. Component IDs can be dictionaries, and callbacks can reference patterns of components, using three different wildcards: ALL, MATCH, and ALLSMALLER, available from dash.dependencies. This lets you create components on demand, and have callbacks respond to any and all of them. To help with this, dash.callback_context gets three new entries: outputs_list, inputs_list, and states_list, which contain all the ids, properties, and except for the outputs, the property values from all matched components.
  • #1103 dash.testing option --pause: after opening the dash app in a test, will invoke pdb for live debugging of both Javascript and Python. Use with a single test case like pytest -k cbwc001 --pause.


  • #1103 Multiple changes to the callback pipeline:
    • dash.callback_context.triggered now does NOT reflect any initial values, and DOES reflect EVERY value which has been changed either by activity in the app or as a result of a previous callback. That means that the initial call of a callback with no prerequisite callbacks will list nothing as triggering. For backward compatibility, we continue to provide a length-1 list for triggered, but its id and property are blank strings, and bool(triggered) is False.
    • A user interaction which returns the same property value as was previously present will not trigger the component to re-render, nor trigger callbacks using that property as an input.
    • Callback validation is now mostly done in the browser, rather than in Python. A few things - mostly type validation, like ensuring IDs are strings or dicts and properties are strings - are still done in Python, but most others, like ensuring outputs are unique, inputs and outputs don't overlap, and (if desired) that IDs are present in the layout, are done in the browser. This means you can define callbacks BEFORE the layout and still validate IDs to the layout; and while developing an app, most errors in callback definitions will not halt the app.


  • #1103 Fixed multiple bugs with chained callbacks either not triggering, inconsistently triggering, or triggering multiple times. This includes: #635, #832, #1053, #1071, and #1084. Also fixed #1105: async components that aren't rendered by the page (for example in a background Tab) would block the app from executing callbacks.



  • #740 Keep components that are loading in the DOM, but not visible, as opposed to removing them entirely. This will ensure that the size of the component's container does not shrink or expand when the component goes into the loading state.


  • #740 Fixed bug in which mapbox uirevision was not behaving when inside a dcc.Loading component

Dash v1.10.0

01 Apr 23:11
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #1134 Allow dash.run_server() host and port parameters to be set with environment variables HOST & PORT, respectively


  • #1145 Update from React 16.8.6 to 16.13.0




  • #766 Update from React 16.8.6 to 16.13.0
  • #768 Added title property to dcc.Link
  • #776 Update dcc.Link to set href as children if children not defined. Makes href a required prop as well.
  • #767 Updated dcc.Link to respond to click modifiers, and added a target prop.
  • #774 Fixed dcc.Location firing callbacks for wrong property.
  • 772 Modified dcc.Link to work with absolute paths if refresh=True.




  • Update generated props
  • Update generated R artifacts



  • #713 Update from React 16.8.6 to 16.13.0

Dash v1.9.0

04 Feb 18:08
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #1080 Handle case where dash fails to load when used inside an iframe with a sandbox attribute that only has allow-scripts



  • #743 Location component now emits an event on URL path update from Link component
  • #739 Async Slider and RangeSlider
  • #729 Handle case where dcc fails to load when used inside an iframe with a sandbox attribute that only has allow-scripts


  • #730 Fixed bug in which input components with type number did not correctly update their values.
  • #731 Fixed bug where non-clearable dropdowns could still be cleared by typing backspace


Dash v1.8.0

14 Jan 18:37
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #1073 Two new functions to simplify usage handling URLs and pathnames: app.get_relative_path & app.trim_relative_path.
    These functions are particularly useful for apps deployed on Dash Enterprise where the apps served under a URL prefix (the app name) which is unlike apps served on localhost:8050.
    • app.get_relative_path returns a path with the config setting requests_pathname_prefix prefixed. Use app.get_relative_path anywhere you would provide a relative pathname, like dcc.Link(href=app.relative_path('/page-2')) or even as an alternative to app.get_asset_url with e.g. html.Img(src=app.get_relative_path('/assets/logo.png')).
    • app.trim_relative_path a path with requests_pathname_prefix and leading & trailing
      slashes stripped from it. Use this function in callbacks that deal with dcc.Location pathname
      Example usage:
    app.layout = html.Div([
    @app.callback(Output('content', 'children'), [Input('url', 'pathname')])
    def display_content(path):
        page_name = app.strip_relative_path(path)
        if not page_name:  # None or ''
            return html.Div([
        elif page_name == 'page-1':
            return chapters.page_1
        if page_name == "page-2":
            return chapters.page_2


  • #1035 Simplify our build process.
  • #1074 Error messages when providing an incorrect property to a component have been improved: they now specify the component type, library, version, and ID (if available).


  • #1037 Fix no_update test to allow copies, such as those stored and retrieved from a cache.



  • #711 Added support for dcc.Link (dccLink) and nested dcc.Markdown (dccMarkdown) react components inside of dcc.Markdown
  • #706
    • Added new responsive property that overrides the underlying Plotly.js graph responsiveness from Dash-land
    • Added responsiveness on graph parent element resize (previously only worked on window.resize)
    • Added new dash-graph--pending class to dcc.Graph, present while resizing, (re-)rendering, loading


  • #723 Changed npm package content to allow source code inclusion from other projects
  • #725 Improve async graph performance by parallelizing resource fetching instead of fetching sequentially
  • #720 highlight.js is now bundled into the package, and no longer sets the window.hljs variable. Similarly to how plotly.js is handled, it is overridden by a user-provided version if one exists.




  • #606 Add markdown support for table cells. Cells will be rendered as markdown if the column presentation is specified as markdown.
    • Add highlight.js for syntax highlighting. If window.hljs is specified, that will be used for highlighting instead.


  • #670 Fix a bug where derived_filter_query_structure was not getting updated properly
  • #677 Fix a bug where the table fails to load when used inside an iframe with a sandbox attribute that only has allow-scripts
  • #665 Fix a bug in Firefox where the dropdown cells height is incorrect

Dash v1.7.0

27 Nov 20:57
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #967 Add support for defining
    clientside JavaScript callbacks via inline strings.
  • #1020 Allow visit_and_snapshot API in dash.testing.browser to stay on the page so you can run other checks.


  • #1026 Better error message when you forget to wrap multiple children in an array, and they get passed to other props.


  • #1018 Fix the dash.testing stop API with process application runner in Python2. Use kill() instead of communicate() to avoid hanging.
  • #1027 Fix bug with renderer callback lock never resolving with non-rendered async component using the asyncDecorator



  • Upgraded plotly.js to 1.51.2 #708
    • Patch release 1.51.2 containing several bug fixes.


  • #695 Improvements to Slider and RangeSlider
    • Marks outside of the range specified by min and max are now omitted when the slider renders.
    • Padding is now dependent on the orientation (vertical or horizontal), and whether or not tooltips are always displayed.
    • The whitespace is now preserved for marks labels.


  • #695 Added new property verticalHeight to Slider and RangeSlider, to allow the user to specify the height (in px) of vertical sliders. This defaults to 400.

Dash v1.6.1

14 Nov 20:56
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  • #1006 Fix IE11 / ES5 compatibility and validation issues
  • #1006 Fix bug with renderer wrapper component TreeContainer to prevent useless re-renders
  • #1001
    • Fix and improve the clear_input() API in dash.testing, so it's more robust handling react input.
    • make the percy_snapshot() API more robust, and the timeout of wait_for_callbacks (if set to True) will not fail the snapshot execution, but logged as potential error.



  • #696 Fix IE11 compatibility issues and ES5 compatibility and validation


  • #687 Use start_date, min_date_allowed, end_date, or max_date_allowed for the initial visible month if the value of the parameter initial_visible_month is not supplied.



  • #143 Fix IE11 compatibility issues and ES5 compatibility and validation



  • #637 Fix multiple issues
    • Fix IE11 compatibility issues and add ES5 compatibility and validation
    • Fix a bug with loading_state being handled incorrectly, causing the table to steal focus

Dash v.1.6.0

04 Nov 21:15
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  • #999 Fix fingerprint for component suites with metadata in version.
  • #983 Fix the assets loading issues when dashR application runner is handling with an app defined by string chunk.



  • #692 Async DatePickerSingle, DatePickerRange, Dropdown, Markdown, Upload components

Dash v1.5.1

30 Oct 01:35
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #987 Fix cache string handling for component suites with nested folders in their packages.
  • #986 Fix a bug with evaluation of _force_eager_loading when application is loaded with gunicorn

Dash v1.5.0

29 Oct 17:12
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Dash and Dash-Renderer


  • #964 Adds support for preventing updates in clientside functions.
    • Reject all updates with throw window.dash_clientside.PreventUpdate;
    • Reject a single output by returning window.dash_clientside.no_update
  • #899 Add support for async dependencies and components
  • #973 Adds support for resource caching and adds a fallback caching mechanism through etag



  • #616 Async Graph and Plotly.js



  • #554 Async loading of xlsx library on export