Web components for tiled-map editor.
In order to edit a tiled-map, you need to register it with the project.
const tiledMap = new TiledMap(15, 10, 32, 32)
const mapChipImage = new MapChipImage("images/chip.png", 1)
await mapChipImage.waitWhileLoading()
tiledMap.mapChipsCollection.waitWhileLoading.then(() => {
// Attach tiledMap to project(projectId: 1)
Projects.add(tiledMap, 1)
Register custom elements.
import { defineComponent } from '@piyoppi/pico2map-ui-components'
Place the component anywhere in the HTML.
mapChipFragmentProperties='[{"x": 0, "y": 3, "chipId": 1, "renderingArea": 15}]'
See also the Minimum Example.
A component for arranging map chips / auto-tile.
mapChipFragmentProperties='[{"x": 0, "y": 3, "chipId": 1, "renderingArea": 15}]'
Attribute | Details | Required |
projectId | ID of the project to be edited. | x |
brush | Brush name (Pen or RectangleBrush ) |
arrangement | Arrangement name (DefaultArrangement or DefaultEraseArrangement or AutoTileArrangement ) |
autoTileId | ID of the auto-tile to be placed. | |
mapChipFragmentProperties | A properties of the map chip to be placed. | |
activeLayer | A index of the layer to edit. | |
gridColor | grid color (default #000 ) |
pickFromActiveLayer |
The format of mapChipFragmentProperties
attribute is as follows.
"x": 0, // X position of the chip
"y": 0, // Y position of the chip
"chipId": 0, // map-chip id
"renderingArea": 15 // Rendering area (default 15)
A component for showing grid.
Attribute | Details | Required |
gridColor | grid color (default #000 ) |
gridWidth | A width of a map-chip | x |
gridHeight | A height of a map-chip | x |
chipCountX | Number of rows of chips | x |
chipCountY | Number of cols of chips | x |
cursorHidden | The cursor is hidden if the attribute is given |
A component for selecting a map chip.
Attribute | Details | Required |
projectId | ID of the project to be edited. | x |
chipId | ID of the MapChipImage | x |
Emitted when a map chip is selected.
document.getElementById('selector').addEventListener('mapchip-selected', (e) => {
// log output
// {selectedMapChipProperties: [{x: 0, y: 3, chipId: 1, renderingArea: 15}]}
A component for selecting a auto-tile.
Attribute | Details | Required |
projectId | ID of the project to be edited. | x |
width | Width of the component (default 192 ) |
Emitted when a auto-tile is selected.
Emitted when a auto-tile is selected.
document.getElementById('selector').addEventListener('autotile-selected', (e) => {
// log output
// {id: 1}