All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Resolved backup system for project files during override operations
- Corrected recent projects list loading mechanism
- Improved application performance
- Fixed progress bar visibility during update downloads
- Excel export functionality for voltage drop calculations
- Automatic column width adjustment for panelboard schedule and voltage drop exports
- Enhanced user feedback system with additional toast notifications
- Resolved display issue for overridden conductor size values in load schedule and voltage drop calculations.
- Fixed application startup issue after updates or when installed in Program Files directory.
- Backup old project when overriding.
- Added ability to save project files in any user folder.
- Improved file loading mechanism
- Recent projects list functionality
- Project loading from recent projects list
- Save location selector for project creation
- Save button activation based on project changes
- GitHub Actions build configuration
- Resolved project title modification to prevent overriding existing projects
- Implemented new GitHub Actions build configuration
- Implemented persistent logging system for debugging purposes
- Updated GitHub Actions build configuration for improved stability.
- Resolved critical system error preventing application usage.
- Implemented automatic file name handling for duplicate project names.
- Restored missing plugin update functionality.
- Optimized CI/CD pipeline configuration.
- Drag and drop functionality for panel and load reordering
- Multi-selection copy functionality for panels and loads
- Multi-selection delete functionality for panels and loads
- Project file import and export capabilities
- Batch operations (copy/removal) now properly support group undo/redo functionality
- Settings theme switcher functionality
- Implemented new Settings dialog for improved application configuration
- Added multi-panel and multi-load copy preferences in Settings
- Introduced panel and load bulk copy functionality
- Integrated voltage drop calculations
- Implemented Undo & Redo system
- Implemented hierarchy action dropdown menu
- Added selective panelboard schedule export functionality
- Introduced load visibility toggle in Unit Hierarchy
- Corrected load data row alignment and spacing
- Optimized Unit Hierarchy tree rendering during load schedule modifications
- Resolved markdown rendering issues in changelog history
- Fixed overlapping content in panelboard schedule Excel export for complex hierarchies
- Implemented toast notifications for Excel export operations
- Added ErrorCell component with integrated error handling for conduit and conductor size validation
- Updated application logo
- Prevented load creation in circuit number cells within load schedule
- Enhanced column header presentation and base column rendering logic
- Implemented proper error handling for ampacity range validation in conduit sizing
- Added descriptive error messages in sidebar header for export operations
- Improved project and unit validation messaging in sidebar header
- Corrected voltage and apparent power value positions in sidebar header
- Optimized positioning of load total calculations in sidebar header
- Resolved alignment issues for load total calculations
- Enhanced phase handling for single-phase and three-phase loads in sidebar header
- Internal testing of application update mechanism.
- Implemented panelboard schedule Excel export functionality.
- Integrated automatic application update system.
- Added changelog version history tracking.
- Resolved application update system issues.
- Enhanced changelog history loading mechanism.
- In app update automation
- In app update
- Ampere Trip override functionality
- Ampere Trip indicators in load schedule
- Equipment Grounding Conductor (EGC) size calculation
- Conductor size calculation
- Conduit size calculation
- Improved node retrieval system
- Override capabilities for EGC size, conduit, ampere frames and conductor
- Insulation selection for EGC and conductor
- Default values for kAIC, pole, conduit type, and ampere frames
- Adjustment Factor toggle in application settings
- Automatic update system
- Ampere Trip override functionality
- Ampere Trip indicators in load schedule
- Load schedule heirarchy when deep copying a panel.
- Improve query performance.
- Fix incorrect increment and decrement button placement.
- Inconsistent window title version indicator.
- Updated dependencies to address security vulnerabilities
- Hierarchy quick actions
- Quick copy panel/load actions
- Additional system improvements
- Supply source selection when adding panel/load using quick actions
- Prevented accidental project deletion when copying top-level unit
- Updated dependencies to address security vulnerabilities.
- Added ability to change load supply source to any load or highest unit.
- Enhanced system functionality with additional features.
- Corrected horsepower rating dropdown options display.
- Added validation alert when attempting to use an existing circuit number.
- Resolved load context menu state persistence in hierarchy view.
- Standardized icon library implementation using lucide-svelte.
- Corrected default value initialization for transformer distribution units.
- Panel total load calculation for panel suppliers
- Dynamic load type input options
- Default terminal temperature set to "Standard Temperature"
- Context menu dialog now closes properly after action completion or cancellation
- Removed maximum varies limit restriction
- Distinctive hierarchy icons and labels
- Automatic field population for varies, continuous, and load type when modifying DEFAULT load descriptions
- Implemented circuit number validation system
- Added confirmation dialogs for project, panel, and load deletion
- Resolved sidebar resizing issues
- Improved UI synchronization after data mutations
- Enhanced unit form with main description field for new panels
- Integrated application icon
- Additional system improvements
- Resolved deployment configuration issues
- Resolved data synchronization conflicts
- Implemented hierarchy deletion functionality
- Enhanced panel and load management by integrating RxDB update plugin
- Resolved issues with panel and load creation functionality
- Enhanced data persistence reliability
- Added comprehensive changelog documentation
- Updated Cargo.lock dependencies for improved stability
- Added initial changelog documentation
- Resolved RxDB hierarchy implementation issues
- Updated changelog documentation
- Implemented cross-platform deployment testing
- Enhanced CI/CD pipeline configuration
- Enhanced CI/CD pipeline configuration
- Improved CI/CD pipeline stability and reliability
- Initial changelog implementation