To submit any type of change to a repository, please follow these steps:
- Create a new branch for your submission, making sure master is up to date:
git pull master
git checkout -b fix/my-fix master
- To help project administrators handle change requests please follow the naming
conventions for changes:
- For features use feature/my-new-feature
- For bug fixes use fix/my-fix
- For general refactors use users//my-refactor
Not the use of the hypen as a word separator. Hyphen or underscores are preferred
- Test and build your changes using the repositories methods
- Commit your changes to your branch
git commit -a -m "feat(foo) adding foo bar"
use standard version for commit message convention
- Push your changes to your remote branch
git push -u origin fix/my-fix
- Create a pull request
- If changes need to be made, commit those directly to your branch
- Make sure you rebase on master
git rebase master -i
git push -f`
- Once your pull request is accepted and merged into master, you can delete your branch
git branch -d fix/my-fix
Some key points:
- Check for unnecessary whitespace with
git diff --check
before committing. - Make sure your commit messages are in the proper format.
- We use standard version to version our apps. Look on their website to determine the commit message convention
- Make sure you have added the necessary tests for your changes.
- Run ALL (Client and Server) tests and build to assure a faster pull request
- All public APIs must be documented in the code with the appropriate syntax. All comments must be able to be extracted into a document that can be distributed.