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Releases: picimako/citric


16 Apr 05:44
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  • 28: Added the Run Test and Debug Test actions to the Project View context menu of Citrus Yaml test files.
  • 33: Extended the Run/Debug Citrus YAML test line marker and Project View actions, so that users can select an arbitrary @CitrusTestSource annotated method to execute, if the action would fail to recognize test methods as ones covering the particular YAML file.
  • 34: Added Run/Debug actions for Citrus Groovy test files inside a line marker and in the Project View context menu.
  • 35: Added an action that can navigate to matching JUnit/TestNG test methods from Citrus Groovy test files.
  • 37: Added the Run Test and Debug Test actions inside a line marker and the Project View context menu for Citrus XML and Citrus Spring XML test files.
  • 37: Added actions that can navigate to matching JUnit/TestNG test methods from Citrus XML and Citrus Spring XML test files.


03 Apr 10:00
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  • Supported IDE range is now 2023.2.1 - 2024.1.


  • 29: Added custom, test specific icons to XML, YAML and Groovy Citrus test source files.
  • 30: Added respective custom icons on editor tabs and other places for the, as well as to XML, YAML and Groovy Citrus test source files.
  • 26: Added a line marker in Citrus YAML test source files to be able to run and debug a @CitrusTestSource annotated JUnit or TestNG test method that covers the YAML file the action is invoked from.
  • Added titled separators for the line marker actions displayed for each @CitrusTestSource annotated method. They show which parts of the annotation configuration the actions come from.
  • 25: Added an action that can navigate to, or present a list of matching JUnit/TestNG test methods to navigate to, from Citrus YAML test files. The action may be invoked with Ctrl+Shift+T, just like navigation from production classes to their corresponding test classes works in Java projects.
  • @CitrusTestFactory and @CitrusTestSource test methods can now be generated inside @Nested JUnit 5 test classes as well.
  • 31 - Citrus 4.2.0: Added code completion for the new, sharding specific, Citrus system properties.
  • 31 - Citrus 4.2.0: Added an inspection to report issues with sharding related configuration in the file.


  • Fixed an exception during project initialization.
  • Fixed an exception that occurred during previewing the quick fix results for the deletion of the @CitrusTestSource annotation's name attribute when it matches the test method name.
  • Fixed some exceptions that occurred during retrieving data for the line marker for @CitrusTestSource annotated test methods.
  • Fixed the potential blinking or even disappearance of line markers on @CitrusTestSource annotated test methods.
  • Fixed an issue that @Nested JUnit 5 classes inside Citrus JUnit 5 parent test classes were falsely reported as not valid Citrus test classes.


09 Feb 13:21
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  • Supported IDE range is now 2023.2 - 2024.1-EAP.
  • 18: Added YAML schema for Citrus YAML test case files. Schema is available for Citrus v3.4.0 and 4.x for files ending with (test|it)\.(yaml|yml).
  • 19: Added code completion of Citrus functions and validation matchers to XML, JSON, YAML and Groovy files.
  • Improved code completion of Citrus functions and validation matchers: the caret is no longer moved inside the function/matcher call parentheses
    for parameterless functions/matchers to provide a bit smoother coding experience.
  • 20: Syntax highlighting is now properly applied for nested Citrus functions and nested validation matchers,
    as well as string literal, boolean, number and other types of function arguments.
  • 21: Introduced plugin settings to toggle the syntax highlighting for Citrus functions and validation matchers per language.
  • 22: Added Endpoint Spring bean completion to org.citrusframework.camel.dsl.CamelSupport#endpoint(String).
  • 23: Added Citrus functions and validation matchers syntax highlighting to XML, JSON, YAML and Groovy files.
  • 24: Added code completion of many more Citrus property keys and values in files.


  • 20: The containsIgnoreCase matcher was missing from the validation matcher syntax highlighting.
  • Fixed some exceptions regarding missing ReadAction invocations.


08 Jan 18:21
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  • Added an inspection to report JUnit 5 @ExtendWith(CitrusExtension.class) annotations, and provide a quick fix to replace them with @CitrusSupport.
  • 13: Added code completion in the file for the citrus.file.path.charset.parameter property,
    and added completion item descriptions for the properties that haven't had one.
  • 14: Added code completion of Citrus functions in Java String literals when completion is invoked at a caret position directly preceded by the citrus: function library prefix.
  • 15: Added code completion of boolean values for the citrus.message.pretty.print and citrus.logger.modifier properties in the file.
  • 15: Added regexp language injection into the values of citrus.* properties.
  • 16: Added code completion of Citrus validation matchers in Java String literals when completion is invoked at a caret position preceded and succeeded by an @ symbol.


  • Limited the examination of the combination of SpringExtension.class and CitrusSpringExtension.class in JUnit 5 @ExtendWith annotations to this exact order,
    since extensions are executed in the order of their declaration.
  • Moved the plugin settings under the Language & Frameworks settings page.


  • The citrus.logger.modifier property in the file is now code completed with its proper name.
  • Modified the Test Method Generation section title in the plugin settings to a clearer one.


28 Nov 13:53
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  • The plugin now works with the Citrus Framework 4.0.0 stable release.
  • 8 - Quarkus: @QuarkusTest and @CitrusSupport annotated test classes are now recognized as Citrus Quarkus test classes.
  • 8 - Quarkus: Added an inspection to validate various aspects of Citrus Quarkus test classes and annotations.
  • 6 - Apache Camel: Added Spring bean generation for CamelEndpoint and CamelSyncEndpoint.
  • 6 - Apache Camel: Added default argument value reporting for the methods of CamelSyncEndpointBuilder.
  • 6 - Apache Camel: Added code completion of headers from CamelMessageHeaders, as well as CamelCorrelationId, CamelToEndpoint and CamelExceptionCaught.
  • 6 - Apache Camel: Added Spring bean code completion of org.apache.camel.CamelContext to the camelContext attribute of the @CamelEndpointConfig and @CamelSyncEndpointConfig annotations.
  • 6 - Apache Camel: Added Spring bean code completion of MessageConverter to the messageConverter attribute of the @CamelEndpointConfig and @CamelSyncEndpointConfig annotations.
  • 9 - Resource injection: New inspection to report various issues with class fields related to Citrus-injected resources.
  • 10 - Endpoints: New inspection to report various issues with the following endpoint config annotation configurations:
    @JmsEndpointConfig, @JmsSyncEndpointConfig, @KafkaEndpointConfig, @HttpClientConfig, @HttpServerConfig, @WebServiceClientConfig
  • 11 - @CitrusTestFactory: Added an inspection to validate @CitrusTestFactory annotated test methods from various aspects.
  • 11 - @CitrusTestFactory: Added an action into the editor Generate menu to generate @CitrusTestFactory methods in Citrus JUnit 5 test classes.


  • Fixed a NullPointerException regarding classpath and file system resource folding.


  • Did some optimization regarding message header values.


30 Oct 08:06
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  • 5: Added a line marker for @CitrusTestSource annotated test methods. It populates a popup menu with actions to navigate to test files and packages referenced by the annotation.
  • 7: Added an inspection that analyses the configuration of @CitrusTestSource annotations, and reports various issues and improvement options on them.


  • Fixed a NullPointerException regarding the @CitrusTestSource method generation action.


25 Oct 11:41
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  • 3: Introduced the Citric plugin settings page, and added an option to enable/disable the @CitrusTestSource Method action in the Generate editor menu.
  • 3: Added plugin settings to configure the list of test DSLs to be code completed in the type attribute of a @CitrusTestSource test method.
  • 4: Added line markers for various methods accepting resource paths. The line markers recognize classpath resource paths and open the referenced files in a new editor tab.
  • Added code folding for new ClassPathResource(<path>) instantiation calls to display them as a shorter "classpath:<path>" string, as well as new FileSystemResource(<path>) calls to "file:<path>".
  • Added JavaScript language injection into SeleniumActionBuilder#javascript and JavaScriptAction.Builder#script.


19 Oct 12:16
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  • 1 - Spring: Added generation of WebServiceClient and WebServiceServer Spring beans.
  • 1: Added Spring bean completion of WebServiceClient beans to SoapActionBuilder#client and AssertSoapFault.Builder#endpoint,
    WebServiceServer beans to SoapActionBuilder#server and AssertSoapFault.Builder#endpoint, SoapFaultValidator beans to AssertSoapFault.Builder#validator,
    SoapAttachmentValidator beans to ReceiveSoapMessageAction.SoapMessageBuilderSupport#attachmentValidatorName.
  • 1 - Endpoints: Added code completion of SoapMessageFactory Spring beans in WebServiceServerBuilder.messageFactory().
  • 1 - Messaging: Added code completion and reporting (for replacement with utility class constant) of
    message header values from HttpMessageHeaders, SoapMessageHeaders and WsAddressingMessageHeaders.
  • 1 - Endpoints: Added default argument value reporting for methods of WebServiceClientBuilder and WebServiceServerBuilder.
  • 1: Added Content-Type code completion to ReceiveSoapMessageAction.SoapMessageBuilderSupport#attachment, SoapAttachment#setContentType
    from HttpMessageHeaders, SoapMessageHeaders and WsAddressingMessageHeaders classes.
  • 1: Added XML language injection to AssertSoapFault.Builder#faultDetail.
  • 1: Added an inspection to report invalid SOAP attachment encoding types in SoapAttachment#setEncodingType.
  • 2: Added an action to the Generate editor menu to generate @CitrusTestSource test methods, similar to how the generation of test, setup and teardown methods work.


  • Renamed some of the client and server specific live template variables to simplify long-term maintenance.
  • Endpoints: From now on, endpoint Spring bean completion for HttpActionBuilder#client and HttpActionBuilder#server methods suggest only HttpClient and HttpServer type endpoints, respectively.


02 Oct 06:17
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  • Test frameworks: Added Citrus specific test frameworks, so that, for instance, IntelliJ can generate Citrus specific test methods in JUnit and TestNG test classes.
  • Test frameworks: Added an inspection to report test classes that contain at least one @CitrusTest or @CitrusTestSource annotated method,
    but are not recognized as either Citrus JUnit or Citrus TestNG test classes.
  • Test frameworks: Added an inspection to report Citrus test classes without @CitrusTest and @CitrusTestSource annotated methods.
  • Test frameworks: Added inspection to report incorrect usages of the TestNG specific @CitrusParameters annotation.
  • Test frameworks: Added an intention action to generate the @CitrusParameters annotation on a Citrus TestNG test method, based on the test methods' parameter names.
  • Test frameworks: Parameter names in @CitrusParameters are highlighted when the corresponding same-index test method parameter is in focus by the caret.
  • Test frameworks: Added an inspection to report the combined usage of @ExtendWith(CitrusSpringExtension.class) and @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class). They can be replaced with @CitrusSpringSupport.
  • Spring: Added a line marker for some Spring @Bean definition methods that override default Citrus Spring beans.
  • Spring: Added the Override Citrus Spring Bean... action in the editor Generate menu, so that default Citrus specific beans can be overridden in a simpler way.
  • Spring: Added the Generate Citrus Endpoint Spring Bean... action in the editor Generate menu, so that it generates a @Bean method for the selected Endpoint type.
  • Citrus registry: Added an inspection to report non-public and void @BindToRegistry annotated methods, and @BindToRegistry fields without initializers.
  • Citrus registry: Added intention actions to convert @BindToRegistry annotated fields to their corresponding method forms, and vice versa.
  • Citrus registry: Added an intention action to extract CitrusContext.bind() calls to @BindToRegistry fields and methods.
  • Resource injection: Added an inspection to report injected @CitrusTest test method parameters when they are not annotated with @CitrusResource.
  • Citrus configuration: Added code completion for Citrus system properties, and values of some of them, in the file.
  • Citrus configuration: Added a custom icon for the file in the IDE Project View.
  • Test variables: Added code folding for variable(<name>, <value>) test variable creation calls to fold them as Java-style var <name> = <value> statements.
  • SQL: Added code completion for SQL transaction isolation levels in the argument of sql()/query().transactionIsolationLevel(...).
  • Test actions: Added inspection to report InputAction.Builder#answers() calls with no argument specified.
  • Test actions: Added class references to JavaAction.Builder#java(String) and JavaAction.Builder#className(String).
  • Test actions: Added XML language injection to TransformAction.Builder.source(String) and TransformAction.Builder.xslt(String).
  • Test actions: Added Groovy language injection to ExecuteSQLQueryAction.Builder.groovy(String), ExecuteSQLQueryAction.Builder.validateScript(String, String),
    GroovyAction.Builder.groovy(String) and GroovyAction.Builder.script(String).
  • Test actions: Added class references of Throwable classes to Assert.Builder#exception(String).
  • Test actions: Added inspection to report non-Throwable classes specified in Assert.Builder#exception(String).
  • Message validation: Added XPath language injection for XpathMessageValidationContext.Builder#expression(String, String) and XmlMessageValidationContext.XmlValidationContextBuilder#ignore(String).
  • Messaging: Added code completion for MessageType values when sending and receiving messages.
  • Messaging: Added code completion for JMS and Kafka specific header names in MessageBuilderSupport.header(String, Object) when sending and receiving messages. If the concrete Endpoint
    type can be evaluated from the send() or receive() action call, only the headers specific to that type of messaging are completed.
  • Messaging: Added code completion for JMS and Kafka specific header names in Message.setHeader(), Message.getHeader() and Message.removeHeader() calls.
  • Messaging: Added inspection to report and replace JMS and Kafka specific header names with their respective JmsMessageHeaders and KafkaMessageHeaders constants.
  • Messaging: Added code completion for content types in HTTP related contentType() and accept() method call arguments.
  • Citrus 4.x: Added support for the new package structure introduced in Citrus 4.0.0.
  • Containers: Added code completion of HTTP method values for WaitHttpConditionBuilder#method().
  • Containers: Added code folding for conditional().when().actions(), iterate()...actions() and sequential().actions() call chains to collapse them into Java-style code.
  • Containers: Added code folding for HamcrestConditionExpression.assertThat() calls to collapse them into the argument list of assertThat().
  • Functions: Added simple annotator/syntax highlighting for Citrus function expressions.
  • Validation: Added simple annotator/syntax highlighting for Citrus validation matchers.
  • Validation: Added Groovy language injection to ScriptValidationContext.Builder.script().
  • Validation: Added code completion of XsdSchema-type Spring beans in XmlValidationContextBuilder.schema(String)
    and XsdSchemaRepository-type Spring beans in XmlValidationContextBuilder.schemaRepository(String).
  • Validation: Added code completion of SimpleJsonSchema-type Spring beans in JsonMessageValidationContext.Builder.schema(String)
    and JsonSchemaRepository-type Spring beans in JsonMessageValidationContext.Builder.schemaRepository(String).
  • Endpoints: Added inspections to validate JmsEndpointBuilder call chains: auto-start requires pub-sub-domain to be enabled,
    durable subscription requires auto-start to be enabled, durable subscriber name takes effect only when durable subscription is enabled.
  • Endpoints: Added inspections to validate KafkaEndpointBuilder call chains: offsetReset must be one of earliest, latest or none. Partition must be a non-negative value.
  • Endpoints: Added code completion of Endpoint type Spring beans in method arguments that accept endpoint URIs, like send(), receive(), http().client() and more.
  • Endpoints: Added code completion of Kafka offset reset strategies in KafkaEndpointBuilder.offsetReset().
  • Other: Added inspection to report missing action and container builder calls that would otherwise fail the test execution due to unset properties.
  • Other: Added reporting for default method argument values with respective quick fixes to remove those redundant calls.
  • Other: Added various live templates to insert actions and containers.