- See CONTRIBUTING.md for general contribution guidelines.
- See GOVERNANCE.md for governance guidelines and maintainer responsibilities.
- See CODEOWNERS for a detailed list of owners for the various source directories.
This page lists all active maintainers and their areas of expertise. This can be used for routing PRs, questions, etc. to the right place.
- Matt Klein (mattklein123) (mattklein123@gmail.com)
- Catch-all, "all the things", and generally trying to make himself obsolete as fast as possible.
- Harvey Tuch (htuch) (htuch@google.com)
- xDS APIs, configuration and control plane.
- Alyssa Wilk (alyssawilk) (alyssar@google.com)
- HTTP, flow control, cluster manager, load balancing, and core networking (listeners, connections, etc.), Envoy Mobile.
- Stephan Zuercher (zuercher) (zuercher@gmail.com)
- Load balancing, upstream clusters and cluster manager, logging, complex HTTP routing (metadata, etc.), and macOS build.
- Lizan Zhou (lizan) (lizan.j@gmail.com)
- gRPC, gRPC/JSON transcoding, and core networking (transport socket abstractions), Bazel, build issues, and CI in general.
- Greg Greenway (ggreenway) (ggreenway@apple.com)
- TLS, TCP proxy, listeners, and HTTP proxy/connection pooling.
- Yan Avlasov (yanavlasov) (yavlasov@google.com)
- Data plane, codecs, security, configuration.
- Ryan Northey (phlax) (ryan@synca.io)
- Docs, tooling, CI, containers and sandbox examples
- Ryan Hamilton (RyanTheOptimist) (rch@google.com)
- HTTP/3, upstream connection management, Envoy Mobile.
- Baiping Wang (wbpcode) (wbphub@live.com)
- Upstream, LB, tracing, logging, performance, and generic/dubbo proxy.
- Joshua Marantz (jmarantz) (jmarantz@google.com)
- Stats, abseil, scalability, and performance.
- Adi Peleg (adisuissa) (adip@google.com)
- xDS APIs, configuration, control plane, fuzzing.
- Kevin Baichoo (KBaichoo) (kbaichoo@google.com)
- Data plane, overload management, flow control.
- Keith Smiley (keith) (keithbsmiley@gmail.com)
- Bazel, CI, compilers, linkers, general build issues, etc.
- Kuat Yessenov (kyessenov) (kuat@google.com)
- Listeners, RBAC, CEL, matching, Istio.
- Raven Black (ravenblackx) (ravenblack@dropbox.com)
- Caches, file filters, and file I/O.
- Alex Xu (soulxu) (hejie.xu@intel.com)
- Listeners, iouring, data plane.
The following Envoy maintainers have final say over any changes only affecting /mobile
- Ali Beyad (abeyad) (abeyad@google.com)
- xDS, C++ integration tests.
The following extension maintainers have final say over the extensions mentioned below. Once they approve an extension PR, it will be merged by the maintainer on-call (or any other maintainer) without further review.
- Michael Warres ([mpwarres] (https://github.com/mpwarres)) (mpw@google.com)
- Wasm
- doujiang24 ([doujiang24] https://github.com/doujiang24) (doujiang24@gmail.com)
- Golang
- All senior maintainers
- Tony Allen (tonya11en) (tony@allen.gg)
- Otto van der Schaaf (oschaaf) (oschaaf@redhat.com)
- Tim Walsh (twghu) (twalsh@redhat.com)
- Pradeep Rao (pradeepcrao) (pcrao@google.com)
- Kateryna Nezdolii (nezdolik) (nezdolik@spotify.com)
- Boteng Yao (botengyao) (boteng@google.com)
- Kevin Baichoo (KBaichoo) (kbaichoo@google.com)
- Tianyu Xia (tyxia) (tyxia@google.com)
- Constance Caramanolis (ccaraman) (ccaramanolis@lyft.com)
- Roman Dzhabarov (RomanDzhabarov) (rdzhabarov@lyft.com)
- Bill Gallagher (wgallagher) (bgallagher@lyft.com)
- Dan Noé (dnoe) (dpn@google.com)
- Sotiris Nanopoulos (davinci26) (Sotiris.Nanopoulos@microsoft.com)
- Asra Ali (asraa) (asraa@google.com)
- Jose Nino (junr03) (recruiting@junr03.com)
- Dhi Aurrahman (dio) (dio@rockybars.com)
- Dmitry Rozhkov (rojkov) (dmitry.rozhkov@intel.com)
- Michael Rebello (rebello95) (mrebello@lyft.com)
- Alan Chiu (buildbreaker) (achiu@lyft.com)
- Charles Le Borgne (carloseltuerto) (cleborgne@google.com)
- William A Rowe Jr (wrowe) (wrowe@rowe-clan.net)
- Antonio Vicente (antoniovicente) (avd@google.com)
- JP Simard (jpsim) (jp@lyft.com)
- Rafal Augustyniak (Augustyniak) (raugustyniak@lyft.com)
- Snow Pettersen (snowp) (aickck@gmail.com)
This section lists a few people that are not maintainers but typically help out with subject matter expert reviews. Feel free to loop them in as needed.
- Yuchen Dai (lambdai) (lambdai@google.com)
- v2 xDS, listeners, filter chain discovery service.
- Michael Payne (moderation) (m@m17e.org)
- External dependencies, Envoy's supply chain and documentation.
- Cerek Hillen (crockeo) (chillen@lyft.com)
- Python and C++ platform bindings.