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King of the Algo Throne

This contract is an Algorand adaptation of King of the Ether Throne (KotET).

King of the Algo throne is a Ponzi scheme with the following rules:

  • at the beginning, a user pays x ALGOs to the contract creator to become the king;
  • to dethrone the king, one must pay double the amount of ALGOs that the current king paid;
  • when one becomes king, a curse is cast upon them: after r rounds the king dies, leaving the throne empty and resetting the throne claim price to the initial value x.

Contract state

The contract state is stored in the following global variables:

  • curse_duration is the curse duration: the amount of time that passes between becoming king, and dying.
  • claim_price is the amount of ALGOs that users must pay to become king
  • rate_percent is the ratio at which the claim_price increases multiplied by 100
  • dethrone_fee is the amount that users must pay to the creator of the contract in addition to the claim_price when dethroning the previous king
  • start_amount is the initial claim_price
  • curse_start is the round at which the curse was inflicted on the current king
  • monarch is the address of the current king
  • king_name is the name of the current king (doesn't serve any practical purpose, it's just an extra value to memorize on the blockchain to remember the previous kings)

The variables curse_duration, rate_percent, dethrone_fee and start_amount are initialized at contract creation, and they remain constant throughout the contract lifetime. Instead, the other variables are updated every time a user becomes monarch.

Creating a new reign

If a user is not content with the current state of the world, they might decide to create a new reign and become its king. To create a new reign however, the user must create a curse, which will be inflicted upon each and every king (including themselves). It is the duty of the creator of the reign to decide :

  • how much time the curse lasts (how much time a user can live while being king)
  • how much money a user must spend to become king when the throne is vacant
  • how much money every king will want to leave their position as compared to how much they spent
  • their name as first king of the reign
@round $curr_round
Create reign(int start_amount, int dethrone_fee, int rate_percent, int curse_duration, string king_name) {
	glob.start_amount = start_amount
	glob.dethrone_fee = dethrone_fee
	glob.rate_percent = rate_percent
	glob.curse_duration = curse_duration

	glob.claim_price = start_amount
	glob.curse_start = curr_round
	glob.monarch = caller
	glob.king_name = king_name

The reign function, takes 5 arguments: the start_amount or the amount of ALGOs that a user must spend to become king when the throne is vacant, the dethrone_fee or the amount of ALGOs that a user must send to the creator of the contract when dethroning a king, the rate_percent or how much the claim_price increases every time that a king gets dethroned (until a king dies), the curse_duration or how much time a user stays king before their death, and a king_name, which will be stored in the blockchain for no particular reason but to remember the names of the previous kings.

When run, the contract stores the parameters in its global state, while also saving the address of the caller in the monarch variable, and initializing the curse_start to the current round.

Becoming king with a vacant throne

After a monarch dies the throne becomes vacant. If a user wants to become king during this time, they have to pay a fixed fee to the creator of the reign. However, like for every other king, a curse will be inflicted upon them: if they do not get dethroned within the duration of the curse, they will die, and therefore, they will not gain any money from the next king.

@round (glob.curse_start + glob.curse_duration, )$curr_round
@pay (glob.start_amount) of ALGO : * -> creator
take_power(string king_name) {
	glob.curse_start = curr_round
	glob.monarch = caller
	glob.king_name = king_name
	glob.claim_price = (glob.start_amount * glob.rate_percent)/100

After curse_duration rounds since curse_start (when the last king came to power), it is possible to call the take_power function. To do so, the usermust pass as an argument the name of the new king (for example, "King Arthur IV"). They must also send a payment of start_amount of ALGOs to the creator of the contract.

When called, the caller becomes king, and the contract saves the round upon which the function was called, the address of the caller, the user's chosen name, and updates the claim_price, multiplying it by the rate_percent divided by 100.

Dethroning a king

If some user wants to become king while the previous king is still alive, they can dethrone the current king by paying them the claim price. Once done, the user becomes monarch, and the curse is transferred to them, starting over from the round they became king.

@round (, glob.curse_start + glob.curse_duration)$curr_round
@pay glob.dethrone_fee of ALGO : * -> creator
@pay glob.claim_price of ALGO : * -> glob.monarch
dethrone(string king_name) {
	glob.curse_start = curr_round
	glob.monarch = caller
	glob.king_name = king_name
	glob.claim_price = (glob.claim_price*glob.rate_percent)/100

If less than curse_duration rounds have passed since the curse_start, users will be able to call the dethrone function by passing their chosen king name, and by paying the claim_price to the current monarch and the dethrone_fee to the creator of the contract.

Once called, similarly to the take_power function, the current user becomes king and the contract saves the round upon which the function was called, the address of the caller, the user's chosen name, and updates the claim_price, multiplying it by the rate_percent divided by 100.


The project is not audited and should not be used in a production environment.