- 状态机模型 (程序、多线程程序、操作系统)
- 操作系统是状态机的管理者
- Q: 我们是操作系统的用户;但操作系统提供的 API 并不是 “我们” 作为人类用户能直接使用的。那 “我们” 到底怎么用操作系统?
- UNIX Shell 的设计和实现
整个计算机系统世界的 “构建”
- 硬件 (NEMU):从 CPU Reset 开始执行指令 (计算和 I/O)
- Firmware: 加载操作系统
- 操作系统:状态机的管理者
- 初始化第一个进程 (状态机)
- 执行系统调用
- 整个系统里只需要 “一个程序”
- busybox/toybox/...
- 这个程序可以再执行各种应用程序
- vim; dosbox; xeyes; ...
我们需要一个 “用户能直接操作” 的程序管理操作系统对象。
这就是 Shell (内核 Kernel 提供系统调用;Shell 提供用户接口)
- “与人类直接交互的第一个程序”
- 帮助人类创建/管理进程 (应用程序)、数据文件……
“终端” 时代的伟大设计
- “Command-line interface” (CLI) 的巅峰
Shell 是一门 “把用户指令翻译成系统调用” 的编程语言
- man sh (推荐阅读!), bash, ...
- 原来我们一直在编程
- 直到有了 Graphical Shell (GUI)
- Windows, Gnome, Symbian, Android
“Unix is user-friendly; it's just choosy about who its friends are.”
- 但如果把 shell 理解成编程语言,“不好用” 好像也没什么毛病了
你见过哪个编程语言 “好用” 的?
(UNIX 世界有很多历史遗留约定)
- 零库函数依赖 (-ffreestanding 编译、ld 链接)
- 可以作为最小 Linux 的 init 程序
- 用到文件描述符:一个打开文件的 “指针”
// Linux port of xv6-riscv shell (no libc)
// Compile with "-ffreestanding"!
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
// Parsed command representation
enum { EXEC = 1, REDIR, PIPE, LIST, BACK };
#define MAXARGS 10
#define NULL ((void *)0)
struct cmd {
int type;
struct execcmd {
int type;
char *argv[MAXARGS], *eargv[MAXARGS];
struct redircmd {
int type, fd, mode;
char *file, *efile;
struct cmd* cmd;
struct pipecmd {
int type;
struct cmd *left, *right;
struct listcmd {
int type;
struct cmd *left, *right;
struct backcmd {
int type;
struct cmd* cmd;
struct cmd* parsecmd(char*);
// Minimum runtime library
long syscall(int num, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, num);
register long a0 asm ("rax") = num;
register long a1 asm ("rdi") = va_arg(ap, long);
register long a2 asm ("rsi") = va_arg(ap, long);
register long a3 asm ("rdx") = va_arg(ap, long);
register long a4 asm ("r10") = va_arg(ap, long);
asm volatile("syscall"
: "+r"(a0) : "r"(a1), "r"(a2), "r"(a3), "r"(a4)
: "memory", "rcx", "r8", "r9", "r11");
return a0;
size_t strlen(const char *s) {
size_t len = 0;
for (; *s; s++) len++;
return len;
char *strchr(const char *s, int c) {
for (; *s; s++) {
if (*s == c) return (char *)s;
return NULL;
void print(const char *s, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, s);
while (s) {
syscall(SYS_write, 2, s, strlen(s));
s = va_arg(ap, const char *);
#define assert(cond) \
do { if (!(cond)) { \
print("Panicked.\n", NULL); \
syscall(SYS_exit, 1); } \
} while (0)
static char mem[4096], *freem = mem;
void *zalloc(size_t sz) {
assert(freem + sz < mem + sizeof(mem));
void *ret = freem;
freem += sz;
return ret;
// Execute cmd. Never returns.
void runcmd(struct cmd* cmd) {
int p[2];
struct backcmd* bcmd;
struct execcmd* ecmd;
struct listcmd* lcmd;
struct pipecmd* pcmd;
struct redircmd* rcmd;
if (cmd == 0) syscall(SYS_exit, 1);
switch (cmd->type) {
case EXEC:
ecmd = (struct execcmd*)cmd;
if (ecmd->argv[0] == 0) syscall(SYS_exit, 1);
syscall(SYS_execve, ecmd->argv[0], ecmd->argv, NULL);
print("fail to exec ", ecmd->argv[0], "\n", NULL);
case REDIR:
rcmd = (struct redircmd*)cmd;
syscall(SYS_close, rcmd->fd);
if (syscall(SYS_open, rcmd->file, rcmd->mode, 0644) < 0) {
print("fail to open ", rcmd->file, "\n", NULL);
syscall(SYS_exit, 1);
case LIST:
lcmd = (struct listcmd*)cmd;
if (syscall(SYS_fork) == 0) runcmd(lcmd->left);
syscall(SYS_wait4, -1, 0, 0, 0);
case PIPE:
pcmd = (struct pipecmd*)cmd;
assert(syscall(SYS_pipe, p) >= 0);
if (syscall(SYS_fork) == 0) {
syscall(SYS_close, 1);
syscall(SYS_dup, p[1]);
syscall(SYS_close, p[0]);
syscall(SYS_close, p[1]);
if (syscall(SYS_fork) == 0) {
syscall(SYS_close, 0);
syscall(SYS_dup, p[0]);
syscall(SYS_close, p[0]);
syscall(SYS_close, p[1]);
syscall(SYS_close, p[0]);
syscall(SYS_close, p[1]);
syscall(SYS_wait4, -1, 0, 0, 0);
syscall(SYS_wait4, -1, 0, 0, 0);
case BACK:
bcmd = (struct backcmd*)cmd;
if (syscall(SYS_fork) == 0) runcmd(bcmd->cmd);
syscall(SYS_exit, 0);
int getcmd(char* buf, int nbuf) {
print("> ", NULL);
for (int i = 0; i < nbuf; i++) buf[i] = '\0';
while (nbuf-- > 1) {
int nread = syscall(SYS_read, 0, buf, 1);
if (nread <= 0) return -1;
if (*(buf++) == '\n') break;
return 0;
void _start() {
static char buf[100];
// Read and run input commands.
while (getcmd(buf, sizeof(buf)) >= 0) {
if (buf[0] == 'c' && buf[1] == 'd' && buf[2] == ' ') {
// Chdir must be called by the parent, not the child.
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; // chop \n
if (syscall(SYS_chdir, buf + 3) < 0) print("cannot cd ", buf + 3, "\n", NULL);
if (syscall(SYS_fork) == 0) runcmd(parsecmd(buf));
syscall(SYS_wait4, -1, 0, 0, 0);
syscall(SYS_exit, 0);
// Constructors
struct cmd* execcmd(void) {
struct execcmd* cmd;
cmd = zalloc(sizeof(*cmd));
cmd->type = EXEC;
return (struct cmd*)cmd;
struct cmd* redircmd(struct cmd* subcmd, char* file, char* efile, int mode,
int fd) {
struct redircmd* cmd;
cmd = zalloc(sizeof(*cmd));
cmd->type = REDIR;
cmd->cmd = subcmd;
cmd->file = file;
cmd->efile = efile;
cmd->mode = mode;
cmd->fd = fd;
return (struct cmd*)cmd;
struct cmd* pipecmd(struct cmd* left, struct cmd* right) {
struct pipecmd* cmd;
cmd = zalloc(sizeof(*cmd));
cmd->type = PIPE;
cmd->left = left;
cmd->right = right;
return (struct cmd*)cmd;
struct cmd* listcmd(struct cmd* left, struct cmd* right) {
struct listcmd* cmd;
cmd = zalloc(sizeof(*cmd));
cmd->type = LIST;
cmd->left = left;
cmd->right = right;
return (struct cmd*)cmd;
struct cmd* backcmd(struct cmd* subcmd) {
struct backcmd* cmd;
cmd = zalloc(sizeof(*cmd));
cmd->type = BACK;
cmd->cmd = subcmd;
return (struct cmd*)cmd;
// Parsing
char whitespace[] = " \t\r\n\v";
char symbols[] = "<|>&;()";
int gettoken(char** ps, char* es, char** q, char** eq) {
char* s;
int ret;
s = *ps;
while (s < es && strchr(whitespace, *s)) s++;
if (q) *q = s;
ret = *s;
switch (*s) {
case 0:
case '|': case '(': case ')': case ';': case '&': case '<':
case '>':
if (*s == '>') {
ret = '+'; s++;
ret = 'a';
while (s < es && !strchr(whitespace, *s) && !strchr(symbols, *s)) s++;
if (eq) *eq = s;
while (s < es && strchr(whitespace, *s)) s++;
*ps = s;
return ret;
int peek(char** ps, char* es, char* toks) {
char* s;
s = *ps;
while (s < es && strchr(whitespace, *s)) s++;
*ps = s;
return *s && strchr(toks, *s);
struct cmd* parseline(char**, char*);
struct cmd* parsepipe(char**, char*);
struct cmd* parseexec(char**, char*);
struct cmd* nulterminate(struct cmd*);
struct cmd* parsecmd(char* s) {
char* es;
struct cmd* cmd;
es = s + strlen(s);
cmd = parseline(&s, es);
peek(&s, es, "");
assert(s == es);
return cmd;
struct cmd* parseline(char** ps, char* es) {
struct cmd* cmd;
cmd = parsepipe(ps, es);
while (peek(ps, es, "&")) {
gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0);
cmd = backcmd(cmd);
if (peek(ps, es, ";")) {
gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0);
cmd = listcmd(cmd, parseline(ps, es));
return cmd;
struct cmd* parsepipe(char** ps, char* es) {
struct cmd* cmd;
cmd = parseexec(ps, es);
if (peek(ps, es, "|")) {
gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0);
cmd = pipecmd(cmd, parsepipe(ps, es));
return cmd;
struct cmd* parseredirs(struct cmd* cmd, char** ps, char* es) {
int tok;
char *q, *eq;
while (peek(ps, es, "<>")) {
tok = gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0);
assert(gettoken(ps, es, &q, &eq) == 'a');
switch (tok) {
case '<':
cmd = redircmd(cmd, q, eq, O_RDONLY, 0);
case '>':
cmd = redircmd(cmd, q, eq, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 1);
case '+': // >>
cmd = redircmd(cmd, q, eq, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 1);
return cmd;
struct cmd* parseblock(char** ps, char* es) {
struct cmd* cmd;
assert(peek(ps, es, "("));
gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0);
cmd = parseline(ps, es);
assert(peek(ps, es, ")"));
gettoken(ps, es, 0, 0);
cmd = parseredirs(cmd, ps, es);
return cmd;
struct cmd* parseexec(char** ps, char* es) {
char *q, *eq;
int tok, argc;
struct execcmd* cmd;
struct cmd* ret;
if (peek(ps, es, "(")) return parseblock(ps, es);
ret = execcmd();
cmd = (struct execcmd*)ret;
argc = 0;
ret = parseredirs(ret, ps, es);
while (!peek(ps, es, "|)&;")) {
if ((tok = gettoken(ps, es, &q, &eq)) == 0) break;
assert(tok == 'a');
cmd->argv[argc] = q;
cmd->eargv[argc] = eq;
assert(++argc < MAXARGS);
ret = parseredirs(ret, ps, es);
cmd->argv[argc] = 0;
cmd->eargv[argc] = 0;
return ret;
// NUL-terminate all the counted strings.
struct cmd* nulterminate(struct cmd* cmd) {
int i;
struct backcmd* bcmd;
struct execcmd* ecmd;
struct listcmd* lcmd;
struct pipecmd* pcmd;
struct redircmd* rcmd;
if (cmd == 0) return 0;
switch (cmd->type) {
case EXEC:
ecmd = (struct execcmd*)cmd;
for (i = 0; ecmd->argv[i]; i++) *ecmd->eargv[i] = 0;
case REDIR:
rcmd = (struct redircmd*)cmd;
*rcmd->efile = 0;
case PIPE:
pcmd = (struct pipecmd*)cmd;
case LIST:
lcmd = (struct listcmd*)cmd;
case BACK:
bcmd = (struct backcmd*)cmd;
return cmd;
$ gcc -c -ffreestanding a.c -g -O2
$ ld a.o -o sh
- 命令执行
- 重定向
ls > a.txt
- 管道
ls | wc -l
- 后台
ls &
- 命令组合
(echo a ; echo b) | wc -l
我们应该如何阅读 sh-xv6.c 的代码?
- strace + gdb!
- set follow-fork-mode, set follow-exec-mode
- 命令的执行、重定向、管道和对应的系统调用
- 这里用到 minimal.S 会简化输出
echo './a.out > /tmp/a.txt' | strace -f ./sh
- 还可以用管道过滤不想要的系统调用
$ strace -f -o /tmp/strace.log ./sh
> ./a.out
// 另一个窗口
$ tail -f /tmp/strace.log
- 重定向:
cmd > file < file 2> /dev/null
- 顺序结构:
cmd1; cmd2
,cmd1 && cmd2
,cmd1 || cmd2
- 管道:
cmd1 | cmd2
- 预处理:
- 变量/环境变量、控制流……
Job control
- 类比窗口管理器里的 “叉”、“最小化”
- jobs, fg, bg, wait
- (今天的 GUI 并没有比 CLI 多做太多事)
在 “自然语言”、“机器语言” 和 “1970s 的算力” 之间达到优雅的平衡
- 平衡意味着并不总是完美
- 操作的 “优先级”?
ls > a.txt | cat
- 文本数据 “责任自负”
- 有空格?后果自负!(PowerShell: 我有 object stream pipe 啊喂)
- 行为并不总是 intuitive
$ echo hello > /etc/a.txt
bash: /etc/a.txt: Permission denied
$ sudo echo hello > /etc/a.txt
bash: /etc/a.txt: Permission denied
Open question: 我们能否从根本上改变命令行的交互模式?
Shell 连接了用户和操作系统
- 是 “自然语言”、“机器语言” 之间的边缘地带!
- 非常适合 BERT 这样的语言模型
- fish, zsh, ...
- Stackoverflow, tldr, thef**k (自动修复)
- Command palette of vscode (Ctrl-Shift-P)
- Executable formal semantics for the POSIX shell (POPL'20)
为什么 Ctrl-C 可以退出程序?
- 没有人 read 这个按键,为什么进程能退出?
- Ctrl-C 到底是杀掉一个,还是杀掉全部?
- 如果我 fork 了一份计算任务呢?
- 如果我 fork-execve 了一个 shell 呢?
- Hmmm……
为什么 fork-printf.c 会在管道时有不同表现?
- libc 到底是根据什么调整了缓冲区的行为?
为什么 Tmux 可以管理多个窗口?
终端是 UNIX 操作系统中一类非常特别的设备!
- RTFM: tty, stty, ...
首先,我们可以 “使用” tmux
- 在多个窗口中执行 tty,会看到它们是不同的终端设备!
然后,我们也可以把 tmux “打开”
- strace (
) 可以看到一些关键的系统调用 (以及 man 7 pty)
为什么 fork-printf
能识别 tty 和管道?
- 当然是观察 strace 了!
- 找到是哪个系统调用 “识别” 出了终端?
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello, World\n");
$ strace ./a.out
fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0600, st_rdev=makedev(0x88, 0), ...}) = 0
$ strace ./a.out > /dev/null
fstat(1, {st_mode=S_IFCHR|0666, st_rdev=makedev(0x1, 0x3), ...}) = 0
ioctl(1, TCGETS, 0x7fff583c6910) = -1 ENOTTY (Inappropriate ioctl for device)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void handler(int signum) {
switch (signum) {
case SIGINT:
printf("Received SIGINT!\n");
printf("Received SIGQUIT!\n");
void cleanup() {
printf("atexit() cleanup\n");
int main() {
// fork(); 观察下行为
signal(SIGINT, handler);
signal(SIGQUIT, handler);
while (1) {
char buf[4096];
int nread = read(STDIN_FILENO, buf, sizeof(buf));
buf[nread - 1] = '\0';
printf("[%d] Got: %s\n", getpid(), buf);
if (nread < 0) {
$ gcc a.c && ./a.out
[654336] Got: asdf
^CReceived SIGINT!
大家熟悉的 Segmentation Fault/Floating point exception (core dumped)
- #GP, #PF 或 #DIV
- UNIX 系统会给进程发送一个信号
- 此时可以生成一个 “core” 文件 (ELF 格式),能用 gdb 调试
UNIX (System V) 信号其实是有一些 dark corners 的
- 如果
?- POSIX.1 solved the portability mess by specifying
, which provides explicit control of the semantics when a signal handler is invoked; use that interface instead ofsignal()
.- 支持多线程 (早期的 UNIX 还没有多线程)、信号屏蔽...
- POSIX.1 solved the portability mess by specifying
RTFM: setpgid/getpgid(2),它解释了 process group, session, controlling terminal 之间的关系
- The PGID (process-group ID) is preserved across an execve(2) and inherited in fork(2)...
- Each process group is a member of a session
A session can have a controlling terminal.
- At any time, one (and only one) of the process groups in the session can be the foreground process group for the terminal; the remaining process groups are in the background.
./a.out &
创建新的进程组 (使用 setpgid)
- If a signal is generated from the terminal (e.g., typing the interrupt key to generate
), that signal is sent to the foreground process group.- Ctrl-C 是终端 (设备) 发的信号,发给 foreground 进程组
- 所有 fork 出的进程 (默认同一个 PGID) 都会收到信号
- 可以修改 signal-handler.c 观察到这个行为
- At any time, one (and only one) of the process groups in the session can be the foreground process group for the terminal; the remaining process groups are in the background.
Only the foreground process group may read(2) from the terminal; if a background process group tries to read(2) from the terminal, then the group is sent a
signal, which suspends it.- 这解释了
cat &
时你看到的 “suspended (tty input)” - 同一个进程组的进程 read tty 会竞争
- signal-handler.c 同样可以观察到这个行为
- 这解释了
- The
calls are used by programs such as bash(1) to create process groups in order to implement shell job control.- 如果希望从进程组里 detach, 使用 setpgid
ps -eo pid,pgid,cmd
可以查看进程的 pgid
- Q: 我们作为用户,到底怎么 “使用” 操作系统?
Take-away messages
- 一个功能完整的 Shell 使用的操作系统对象和 API
- session, process group, controlling terminal
- 文件描述符:open, close, pipe, dup, read, write
- 状态机管理:fork, execve, exit, wait, signal, kill, setpgid, getpgid, ...
- 随着 “零依赖” 的 sh-xv6.c,操作系统的神秘感逐渐消失
- (下次课拆开库函数)