Variable | Description | Type |
Date | Date of the game | Date |
Umpire | Name of the umpire | Character |
Home | Home team | Character |
Away | Away team | Character |
R [H] | Runs scored by the home team | Integer |
R [A] | Runs scored by the away team | Integer |
PC | Pitches called | Integer |
IC | Incorrect calls | Integer |
xIC | Expected incorrect calls | Integer |
CC | Correct calls | Integer |
xCC | Expected correct calls | Integer |
CCAx | Correct calls above expected | Numeric |
Acc | Accuracy | Numeric |
xAcc | Expected accuracy | Numeric |
AAx | Accuracy above expected | Numeric |
Con | Consistency | Numeric |
Fav [H] | Favor to home team | Numeric |
totRI | Total run impact | Numeric |