JavaScript JEOPARDY! is a single-page web app in which you can, you guessed it, play a round of JEOPARDY!
- Fork and clone this repo.
- Navigate to 'js-jeopardy-backend' in your terminal and run 'rails s' to engage the API.
- In a separate tab in your terminal, navigate to 'js-jeopardy-frontend' and run 'open index.html' to open the JavaScript JEOPARDY! page in your browser.
- Simply click "CLICK HERE TO PLAY" to start the game.
- You will be presented with six categories and five clues for each category. Each clue will be listed by it's "dollar value."
- Click on a clue to reveal it's question and a form to submit your answer.
- If you have answered correctly, the clue's dollar value will be add to your score. If you have answered incorrectly, the dollar value will be taken away from your score.
This app was built using a Rails API for the database and HTML/CSS/JavaScript on the frontend.