Implementation of Conjugate Product Graphs for Globally Optimal 2D-3D Shape Matching (by Paul Roetzer, Zorah Lähner, Florian Bernard, CVPR, 2023).
This project requires gptoolbox (click on link and follow instructions on how to install on your machine). Furthermore, follow one of the two options.
1️⃣ Either clone project from git:
- open terminal at desired location
$ git clone
$ git submodule update --init
2️⃣ Or download zip file from git:
- Download this project and extract
- Download and extract eigen
- Copy
folder intodijkstraCG/
folder of this project and renameeigen-master -> eigen
The file experiment_dijkstra.m
contains an example script on how to use this code.
When using this code for your own projects please cite the followig:
- Roetzer et al.: Conjugate Product Graphs for Globally Optimal 2D-3D Shape Matching, CVPR 2023
- Lähner et al.: Efficient Globally Optimal 2D-to-3D Deformable Shape Matching, CVPR 2016
This repo is licensed under MIT licence.