An e-commerce platform backend built using .NET Core, with MongoDB as the database. This project provides RESTful APIs for managing products, orders, customers, and vendors, which can be used by frontend applications or mobile apps.
- Customer Management: Add, update, delete, and retrieve customer details.
- Vendor Management: Manage vendor information.
- Product Management: Add, update, delete, and retrieve products.
- Order Management: Handle customer orders, including placing and tracking orders.
- MongoDB Integration: Uses MongoDB for efficient storage and retrieval of e-commerce data.
- Error Handling: Global exception handling for a robust API.
- Dashboard: API to get total counts of customers, vendors, orders, and products.
- Backend Framework: ASP.NET Core
- Database: MongoDB
- API Documentation: Swagger
- Dependency Injection: Built-in .NET Core DI
Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:
- .NET 6.0 or higher installed
- MongoDB installed or a MongoDB cloud instance (MongoDB Atlas)
- Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code
- Postman or cURL for API testing
- Docker (optional for containerization)
Follow these instructions to set up the project locally.
git clone
cd EAD
Go to the appsettings.json file and set your MongoDB connection string
"MongoDbSettings": {
"ConnectionString": "mongodb://localhost:27017",
"DatabaseName": "ECommerceDb"
"JwtSettings": {
"SecretKey": "YourSecretKeyHere",
"Issuer": "ECommerceAPI",
"Audience": "ECommerceAPIUser"
Run the following command to restore .NET packages:
dotnet restore
To run the API, use the following command:
dotnet run
The API will be accessible at https://localhost:7022 (HTTPS) or http://localhost:7022 (HTTP).
Once the API is running, you can access Swagger documentation at:
The following endpoints are available for interacting with the e-commerce platform:
- GET /api/customers: Get all customers
- GET /api/customers/{id}: Get a specific customer by ID
- POST /api/customers: Add a new customer
- PUT /api/customers/{id}: Update a customer
- DELETE /api/customers/{id}: Delete a customer
- GET /api/vendors: Get all vendors
- GET /api/vendors/{id}: Get a specific vendor by ID
- POST /api/vendors: Add a new vendor
- PUT /api/vendors/{id}: Update a vendor
- DELETE /api/vendors/{id}: Delete a vendor
- GET /api/products: Get all products
- GET /api/products/{id}: Get a specific product by ID
- POST /api/products: Add a new product
- PUT /api/products/{id}: Update a product
- DELETE /api/products/{id}: Delete a product
- GET /api/orders: Get all orders
- GET /api/orders/{id}: Get a specific order by ID
- POST /api/orders: Create a new order
- PUT /api/orders/{id}: Update an order
- DELETE /api/orders/{id}: Cancel an order
- GET /api/dashboardcounts: Get the total number of customers, orders, vendors, and products.
You can test the API endpoints using tools like Postman or cURL.
Example POST request to add a new customer using Postman:
"customerName": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"status": "Active",
"password": "password123"
For any questions or feedback, feel free to contact the me:
- Name: Pasan Chamikara
- Email:
- LinkedIn: Pasan Chamikara