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PartiQL IR Generator

PIG Generator PIG Runtime LICENSE CI
PIG Generator
PIG Runtime
CI Build


PIG is a compiler framework, domain modeling tool and code generator for tree data structures such as ASTs (Abstract Syntax Tree), database logical plans, database physical plans, and other intermediate representations. Using PIG, the developer concisely defines the structure of a tree by specifying named constraints for every node and its attributes. Check out the wiki!


PIG can be used as a command line tool.


After the build completes, the pig executable and dependencies will be located in ./pig/build/install/pig/bin/pig. You can move the install to a permanent location and add the executable script to your path. For this doc, we’ll add an alias for the local path alias pig=./pig/build/install/pig/bin/pig.

You can check the version with pig --version.

PIG 1.x

PIG 1.x introduces a new modeling language and generator which enable features such as:

Modeling Additions
  • List, Map, and Set Types

  • Int, Float, Double, Bytes, String types

  • Enum Types

  • Imported Types

  • Sum type definition as the variant of a sum type

  • Inline type definitions

  • Scoped type definitions

  • Scoped type names

Kotlin Specific Features
  • No runtime library

  • Primitives nodes are optional, #79

  • Explicit library mode, #64

  • Visitors use conventional style, #123 #66

  • Nodes have a children construct, enabling recursion without a visitor.

  • Dynamic code generation via poems rather than templating.

  • Generated DSL now uses builders rather than just factory methods

  • Generated DSL allows for a custom factory

  • Jackson databind integration for serializing a tree to arbitrary Jackson formats, #119

Breaking Changes

PIG 1.x currently does not support the 0.x modeling language or permuted domains. The 0.x language and permuted domains are still accessible via the legacy subcommand. If an issue is raised, permuted domains may get added to the 1.x language.


pig --help

    Usage: pig [-hv] [COMMAND]
    -h, --help      display this help message
    -v, --version   Prints current version
    generate  PartiQL IR Generator 1.x
    legacy    PartiQL IR Generator 0.x

pig generate --help

    Usage: pig generate [-h] [COMMAND]
    PartiQL IR Generator 1.x
      -h, --help   display this help message
      kotlin  Generates Kotlin sources from type universe definitions

pig generate kotlin --help

    Usage: pig generate kotlin [-h] [-m=<modifier>] [-o=<out>] [-p=<packageRoot>]
                           [-u=<id>] [--poems=<poems>[,<poems>...]]... <file>
    Generates Kotlin sources from type universe definitions
          <file>            Type definition file
      -h, --help            display this help message
      -m, --modifier=<modifier>
                            Generated node class modifier. Options FINAL, DATA, OPEN
      -o, --out=<out>       Generated source output directory
      -p, --package=<packageRoot>
                            Package root
                            Poem templates to apply
      -u, --universe=<id>   Universe identifier

PIG 0.x

PIG 0.x uses a Nanopass style domain modeling language and notably has the ability to define permuted domains. If you wish to use these features, the latest version of PIG maintains them under the legacy sub-command. The wiki has documentation on the 0.x modeling language and Kotlin target.

The options and command behavior remains the same, only the legacy keyword needs to be added as the first argument.


pig legacy --help

Usage: legacy [-hv] [-d=<outputDirectory>] [-e=<template>]
              [-n=<namespace>] [-o=<outputFile>] [-t=<target>] [-u=<universe>]

PartiQL IR Generator 0.x
  -d, --output-directory=<outputDirectory>
                          Generated source output directory
  -e, --template=<template>
                          Path to an Apache FreeMarker template
  -f, --domains=<domains>[,<domains>...]
                          List of domains to generate (comma separated)
  -h, -?, --help          Prints current version
  -n, --namespace=<namespace>
                          Namespace for generated code
  -o, --output-file=<outputFile>
                          Generated source output file
  -t, --target=<target>   Type universe input file
  -u, --universe=<universe>
                          Type universe input file
  -v, --version           Prints current version

Each target requires certain arguments:

   --target=kotlin requires --namespace=<ns> and --output-directory=<out-dir>
   --target=custom requires --template=<path-to-template> and --output-file=<generated-file>
   --target=html   requires --output-file=<output-html-file>
   --target=ion    requires --output-file=<output-ion-file>


   If -d or --output-directory is specified and the directory does not exist, it will be created.


  pig --target=kotlin \
      --universe=universe.ion \
      --output-directory=generated-src \

  pig --target=custom \
      --universe=universe.ion \
      --output-file=example.txt \

  pig --target=ion \
      --universe=universe.ion \

Domain Modeling

PIG enables modeling algebraic types using an Ion DSL.

Builtin Types

The following Ion values are used to reference a type in a definition.

// Scalar Types

int         // Int32
long        // Int64
float       // IEEE 754 (32 bit)
double      // IEEE 754 (64 bit)
bytes       // Array of unsigned bytes
string      // Unicode char sequence

// Collection Types

list::[t]   // List<T>
set::[t]    // Set<T>
map::[k,v]  // Map<K,V>

// Optional Annotation


Defining Types

The basic grammar rules are:

  • Annotated Ion lists represent sum types, each element being a variant.

  • Annotated Ion structs represent product types, each key-value pair being a field.

Sum Types

A sum type takes one of several defined forms. The wiki page has some nice examples in a variety of languages.

// sum named `x` with variants `a` and `b`
  a::{ ... },
  b::{ ... }

Product Types

A product type is some structure with a fixed set of fields.

// product named `x` with fields `a` and `b` of type int, string respectively
  a: int,
  b: string,

Fields of a product type can be marked as optional. For example,

  a: optional::int,
  b: map::[int,optional::string],
  c: optional::foo,

foo::[ ... ]

A product type can contain inline definitions. If the definition does not have an identifier symbol, the field name is used.

  a: [...],               // inline sum foo.a
  b: v::[...],            // inline sum foo.v
  c: optional::[...],     // inline sum foo.c, optional field of foo
  d: optional::x::[...],  // inline sum foo.v, optional field of foo
  e: {...},               // inline product foo.e
  f: y::{...},            // inline product foo.y
  g: optional::{...},     // inline product foo.g, optional field of foo
  h: optional::z::{...},  // inline product foo.z, optional field of foo

Enum Types

This is a special case of the sum type. Each variant is a named value. A sum type definition is considered an enum if all variants are symbols matching the regex [A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*.

// enum named `x` with values A, B, and C
x::[ A, B, C ]

Nested Type Definitions

You can define types within the scope of another using _::[] or _:[] syntax. For example,

// sum x
  a::{ ... }, // variant a
  b::[ ... ], // variant b
    foo::{}   // type ``, but not a variant — just a nested type

// product y
  a: int, // field (a,int)
  _: [
    bar::{}  // type

Imported Types

At the top of each definition file, you can specify imports for your generation target. Value types within a target’s import are target specific.

For example, with the kotlin target we use the canonical Java binary name to reference an external type.

  kotlin: [

// -- `timestamp` can now be referenced
// -- `bounds` is an inline enum definition with implicit id `my_interval.bounds`
  start: timestamp,
  end: timestamp,
  bounds: [

Local and Root References

Type names need not be globally unique. You can refer to a type by its symbol (local reference) or an absolute path (root). A type reference path begins with a . and is delimited with . as well. If an Ion symbol is used, the type definition graph will be searched from that reference’s position for the nearest definition with that symbol using BFS. Scalars are matched first, then definitions, and finally imports.

Here’s an example where absolute references are required to achieve the desired behavior.

  kotlin: [

  start: int,
  end: int,
  bounds: bounds    // relative reference, forward declaration not required


    value: '.ion'   // use '.' for root reference so this isn't self-referential
    value: '.range' // ..

Code Generation

As of now, 1.x only has a Kotlin target. There are no immediate plans to add additional targets. The 0.x targets remain.

Kotlin Target

The Kotlin target has several generation options (known as poems).

  • Node class modifier DATA, OPEN, FINAL

  • Visitor

  • Listener

  • Factory / Builders / DSL

  • Jackson Databind

  • Add Ion meta containers to nodes

These can be found in

Usage: pig generate kotlin [-h] [-m=<modifier>] [-o=<out>] [-p=<packageRoot>]
                           [-u=<id>] [--poems=<poems>[,<poems>...]]... <file>
Generates Kotlin sources from type universe definitions
      <file>            Type definition file
  -h, --help            display this help message
  -m, --modifier=<modifier>
                        Generated node class modifier. Options FINAL, DATA, OPEN
  -o, --out=<out>       Generated source output directory
  -p, --package=<packageRoot>
                        Package root
                        Poem templates to apply
  -u, --universe=<id>   Universe identifier

Basic Example

Here is a short example which shows some features such as

  • Sum types

  • Product types

  • Enum types

  • Inline type definitions

  • Local and absolute type references

  • Builtin scalar types

Type Definitions
    expr: expr,
    op: [ ADD, SUB ]
    lhs: expr,
    rhs: expr,
    op: [ ADD, SUB, MULT, DIV ]
    id: '',
    args: list::[expr]
      id: string
      id: list::[string]
Generated Code

This is the basic template with no additional poems e.g. visitors, listeners, factories, serde, etc. A more complex example can be found in the wiki.

public abstract class ExampleNode

public sealed class Expr : ExampleNode() {

  public data class Unary(
    public val expr: Expr,
    public val op: Op
  ) : Expr() {

    public enum class Op { ADD, SUB, }

  public data class Binary(
    public val lhs: Expr,
    public val rhs: Expr,
    public val op: Op
  ) : Expr() {

    public enum class Op {

  public data class Call(
    public val id: Id.Path,
    public val args: List<Expr>
  ) : Expr()

  public sealed class Id : Expr() {

    public data class Relative(public val id: String) : Id()

    public data class Path(public val id: List<String>) : Id()