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77 lines (55 loc) · 3.11 KB

MMM-NHL GitHub license Build status Code Climate Known Vulnerabilities

National Hockey League module for MagicMirror².


past games in progress team focus no color playoffs


  • An installation of MagicMirror².


Just clone the module into your modules directory:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone


Just enter the module's directory and pull the update:

cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-NHL
git pull


  • Configure your ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js:
        module: 'MMM-NHL',
        position: 'top_right',
        config: {
            // Add your config options here, which have a different value than default.

Config Options

Option Default Description
colored false Remove black/white filter of logos.
focus_on false Display only matches with teams of this array e.g. ['VAN', 'MTL', 'BOS'].
matches 6 Max number of matches displaying simultaneously.
rotateInterval 20000 (20 secs) How often should be rotated the matches in the list.
reloadInterval 1800000 (30 mins) How often should the data be fetched.
daysInPast 1 How many days should a game be displayed after it is finished.
daysAhead 7 How many days should a game be displayed before it starts.
liveReloadInterval 60000 (1 min) How often should the data be fetched during a live game.
showNames true Should team names be displayed?
showLogos true Should team logos be displayed?
showPlayoffSeries true Should playoff series be displayed (if in playoffs)?
rollOver false Displays today's games and based on game status also yesterdays games or tomorrows games. Automatically overrides daysInPast and daysAhead to 1.

Global config

Option Default Description
locale undefined By default it is using your system settings. You can specify the locale in the global MagicMirror² config. Possible values are for e.g.: 'en-US' or 'de-DE'.

To set a global config you have to set the value in your config.js file inside the MagicMirror² project.



  • npm i - Install devDependecies.
  • npm run lint - Lint check JS and CSS files.
  • npm run lint:fix - Lint fix JS and CSS files.
  • npm run docs - Generates documentation.