Releases: ovis-hpc/ldms
This update fixes the following problem in 4.2.2:
The outstanding update message condition was being tested before the set matching condition. Hence, the sets that did not match the regex but were being updated as set group members were incorrectly marked as "outstanding update". The 4.2.2 release may get incorrect warnings which pollute the log file, but do not affect the collected data.
This is STABLE OVIS-4.2.X release.
Soon master will move from V3 to V4.
- LDMS_LOG_PATH and gender attribute variable may now contain ${} for shell variable expansion in the daemon's runtime environment.
- ldms-sensor-config expanded to support newer library use of openat.
- simplified self check for host; fixes corner cases seen on clusters.
- extended systemd init scripts to take default schema names from plugin names.
- extended systemd init scripts to provide hooks for general site-specific extensions such as prepopulating job data on non-slurm nodes with the empty data set. The default hook handles the slurm case for the jobid/job_info plugins and may need disabling or tailoring per site in ldmsd.local.conf.
- added csv utilities specific to ldms data export tasks.
OVIS-4.2_Beta will be deprecated.
This release provides testing improvements and bug fixes, usability improvements, and a new sampler feature 'filesingle' for single-metric files typical of sysfs.
- Improvements in user input checking in daemon and systemd scripts.
- Added in-daemon check to prevent misconfiguration of aggregators collecting from themselves.
Testing tools
- Slurm-based parallel testing tool added.
- Option transportdata= added to store_csv to enable collection of transport debugging info.
- Added configure option --enable-mmdebug which disables mmap of transport data and detection of buffer overruns (but only for the sock transport) if environment variable LDMS_ENABLE_MMALLOC_DEBUG is also defined.
- Sampler filesingle added for collecting sysfs metrics (temps, volts, speeds, lustre, etc); config helper ldms-sensors-config provided.
- Errors in Lustre 2.8 sampler corrected.
- Added alternate store_csvdbg plugin, which is store_csv compiled with the storing transport data enabled.
- Added chkmeminfo plugin, which is the meminfo plugin compiled with data-corruption-check stored in high bits of metrics.
- Provided do-not-repeat-yourself genders configuration of aggregators and stores by adding LDMSD_GENDERS_1 and _2 to allow L1 and L2 aggregators to inspect L0 genders files for connection data.
- Fixed scripting errors in interpretation of genders for certain storage policy specifications.
- Added LDMSD_DEBUG_CONFIG_FILE option to ldmsd.%I.conf which allows arbitrary ldmsd scripting to be appended to genders-based configuration output in /var/run/ldmsd/all-config.%I.
- Fixed error messages from systemd scripts to be tagged with the correct daemon identity instead of 'root'.
The luster2_client sampler in this release does not support lustre 2.10 and later due to refactoring of the lustre /proc/sys interface.
- Add metric whitelist and blacklist options to store_flatfile plugin.
- Add rolltype=5 rollagain={period} (periodic rollover based on the wall clock time) to store_csv plugin.
- ldmsd genders support changes:
Add ldmsd_strgp_POLICYNAME support to customize containers.
Fix ldmsaggd_event_thds gender support. - Add humane diagnostic of missing input files to
- Fix ldmsd mis-handling of empty aggregator interval specifications.
- Fix bug (bug could NOT affect TOSS3 users).
- Fix misformat of network port numbers in some log messages.
Changes since 3.4.9:
- Add %{env} support in csv rename template option.
- Add -h option and rollover_created function to utility.
- Updated man pages.
- Fixes to insecure directory permissions (755) on rename/create in csv store.
- Fix generation order for updtr_start command in ldmsctl_args3.
- Fix init script miscomputed 'instance=' on certain sampler configuration cases.
- Fix ldmsd@agg local example genders file.
- Fix to SLURM prolog example in Plugin_jobid man page.
Changes since 3.4.8:
- lnet_stats bug fixed to not report stale data.
- systemd init scripts updated to better handle custom schema names (or lack of them).
- systemd libgenders specification error detection improved.
New since 3.4.7:
- a store_rabbitkw (see man Plugin_store_rabbitkw).
- a new script command 'lsdate' for those working with timestamped csv files from store_csv. (man lsdate)
- a bunch of minor improvements to test scripts.
Changes in 3.4.7 since 3.4.6
- Made rate computation in sysclassib optional.
- Added options to csv store to define uid/gid/perm at file create time.
- Include timezone offset in ldms_ls output date stamps.
- Extended gender options with ldmsd_idsuffix and ldmsd_id.
- Fixed rate computation in sysclassib so that reset-drops appear as negative rates. Before they appeared as large random numbers.
- Fixed computation of host component ids in systemd scripts to account for fixed width (leading 0) integer fields in hostnames.
- Fixed exclusion of 0 and uid/gid > 65536 on csv uid/gid options.
- Detect and log once certain schema name conflicts at store_csv and store_rabbitkw. When the first instance of a schema name is larger than the second to hit the store, missing metrics are detectable. The reverse is not true, and data mislabelling may occur in this case.
- Better logging of store_rabbitkw issues.
- Fixed opa2 sampler log message priority.(error -> info)
- Fixed incorrect (excess) detection of comments in config parameter names containing #.
A # following whitespace or beginning a line begins a comment.