This will be replaced later with docker-compose
Before running this, make sure you have the latest node image:
docker pull node:latest
Execute all docker run
commands below in the Mosaic root folder.
- Update server/config/config.json, e.g. like this:
"development": {
"user": "mosaic",
"username": "mosaic",
"password": "MDaUA2P4ZbkJPCKEM",
"database": "mosaic_dev",
"host": "",
"dialect": "postgres"
- Run the database server:
docker run -it --rm --name mosaic-db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="MDaUA2P4ZbkJPCKEM" -e POSTGRES_USER="mosaic" postgres
- Run the API server and initialize the database:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --link mosaic-db:postgres -v "`pwd`":/data node bash
- Install package dependencies
cd /data/server
- Update the config to reflect the actual postgres server location, found like this:
env | grep POSTGRES_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR
- Initialize the API server
yarn run db:create
yarn run db:migrate
yarn run db:seed
yarn run start
This is accessible at
- (Optional:) Run pgweb database browser
docker run -p 8081:8081 --link mosaic-db:postgres -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://mosaic:MDaUA2P4ZbkJPCKEM@ sosedoff/pgweb
This is accessible at
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -v "`pwd`":/data node bash
cd /data/client
yarn run start
The client is served at