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Elly Okello eoyugi
Learning web 3 at BlockMagic Hackathon , Chainlink Bootcamp . Learning all stuff Datascience at Datacamp


Shark Research shark-research
Outreach, Scout, Grants

@Shark-Research Da Nang, Vietnam

Ralph John Policarpio JohnEsleyer
Freelance Web Developer | Next.js | TypeScript | Python | Java | Go | C++

Koronadal City, South Cotabato, Philippines

ILIYA 12ya


Kingsley Victor kingsley-einstein
Great learner | Ardent coder | Philosophy enthusiast

@Kwikpik @Vefi-Ecosystem @LeadLabs @Sparkfi-Labs @MoniswapFi Lagos, Nigeria

Atharva-Kanherkar Atharva-Kanherkar
prefers typescript and golang.
Muhammad Umer umershaikh123
Blockchain || front end || software Engineer || Problem solver || Entrepreneur

Nexus Network Karachi , Pakistan

Syed Moinuddin SyedMoin-lab
Software Development Engineer-Front-End Developer

Freelancing Bangalore,india

Bender RodrΓ­guez Bender-22
Bending Unit 22, unit number 1,729, serial number 2716057.
vladdev06231 vladdev06231
_!_Full Stack & Blockchain Developer_!_ Specialized in Ethereum, Solana and Fintech, Ecommerce Industry. Proficient in Rust.

BotBank Remote

Jordan jordan-ae
Love Building πŸ₯Έ


bageltoes 0xbageltoes

Δ«Μ²Δ«Μ²ΔͺΜ²ΔͺΜ² β€’Ν“ΜšΜ½ ΔͺΜ²ΔͺΜ²Δ«Μ²Δ«Μ² capital mgmt Washington, DC

Magic Dev magic990619
Principal Software Engineer; Focusing on Web2 & Web3. Enjoy hiking.


DevPanther devpanther
Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away.


Mentlegen gentlementlegen
Full-stack currently in South Korea. Working mostly with Next.js, Nest.js combined with GraphQL and TypeScript.

@ubiquity South Korea

Zyad S zyads

University of Michigan Ann Arbor

Web3 Architect @Kredeum

Kredeum Rennes, France

Brian Lemba Yakumwamba
Full-Stack Blockchain Developer | Freelancer

Developer Relations Global

Bojan Torma bojan07
Web dev & Blockchain dev
P Karthik Manikantan Manikantan-S
Hi there Karthik here :)


Emmanuel Oyiboke emmirays
Front-End Engineer βš›οΈπŸ₯‘


Ark ArkInsight
πŸ‘‘ Crypto Investor, Collector 😎 Founder of ARKINSIGHT πŸ€ Alpha Group owner 🀫 πŸ€ Telegram

Ark Group South Korea