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David Teschner theGreatHerrLebert
In love with Software Developement, Scientific Computing, and Bioinformatics, working @hildebrandtlab.

Mainz, Germany

Betül Karabudak betulkarabudak
Biomedical Engineer

Karabük University Department of Biomedical Engineering Student Karabuk

Fengchao fcyu
Research Investigator at University of Michigan. Developer of FragPipe, MSFragger, IonQuant, etc.

University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI

T. trkohler

Zalando Berlin, Germany

Thilo Muth thilus
Head of Division of the Data Competence Center at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Coding in Python, Rust, Java and recently Dart/Flutter.

MF2 Data Competence Center @ RKI Berlin

Dina dschust-r
Protein mass spectrometrist and biochemist, interested in all things mass spectrometry, structural proteomics and membrane proteins 🔬👩🏻‍🔬

Utrecht University Netherlands