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Mathijs Mortimer thiezn
Loves Python stuff, Rust stuff, Infrastructure stuff, cloud stuff, Swift stuff, stuff, Hacking stuff and other stuff..


Corvinux corvinux
Geek, interested in the nuts and bolts of things. Cyberist, in truth, only atoms and void.


F L U X 0xflux
Professional Red Team offensive engineer. Passionate about cyber defence, security research, and systems programming.

North West, England

Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Ryan Emmons the-emmons
OSCP, OSEP, OSWE. Topics of particular interest: white box application security research, privilege escalation, evasion.

Rapid7 Chicago

Zack Kollar SeedyROM
Polyglot developer with interests in audio DSP, systems programming and distributed fault tolerant systems.

@the-design-release @siteimprove St. Petersburg, FL

Tobiloba Adedeji tobySolutions
Software Engineer and Open source maintainer.

Fleek Lagos, Nigeria

Chad Rhonan Stewart chadstewart
A Software Engineer trying to learn to make a living typing weird squiggly lines on a computer screen that does stuff!

TechIsHiring Kingston, Jamaica

Matan Berson matanber
Israeli hacker, mainly focusing on client-side security
Nick Titcombe Nexproc

Seattle, Washington


United States

Simon Leung puzzithinker
Web3/ Cyber Security/ Fintech
Abhishek glaucusec
Self-taught Full Stack Developer | Learning to build and break things🤸

Deepnetsoft Solutions Kerala, India

d0nut d0nutptr
Security Engineer and Developer

San Francisco

Shivam Saraswat shivamsaraswat
Product Security Engineer | DevSecOps | SSDLC | Cloud Security | @python | Linux

Tekion India

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

TaK.FaNaR takfanar
Offensive Security
Max Yaremchuk w9w
Full-time application security researcher and bug bounty hunter @ Intigriti & HackerOne
Omar A. omaramin17
Security Researcher @ Kaspersky Global Research and Analysis Team
