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Michael R Wolf MichaelRWolf

North America - USA - East Coast

Andreas Pfohl apfohl

@uninow Magdeburg · Germany

Ricardo Castelo ricardincas1987

Soluciones para Ti Ecuador

Roberto Minelli rminelli
Senior Software Engineer

Málaga - Spain

Malachi McIntosh MalachiMcIntosh

Sportable Technologies London, UK

Marcos Lino mfilipelino

SSense Montreal - Canada

sameer gupta carnotweat

carnot Bangalore

Mandy Schoep OhMyMndy
Software developer, DevOps engineer, musician, cat mom and tinkerer with a passion for automation and software development.

@rackspace Antwerp, Belgium

Andrew Brown andrew-werdna
Software Engineer and Math enthusiast

Austin, Texas

Jonathan Gillespie jongpie
Live and learn and refactor

@Salesforce Connecticut

Lana Begunova lana-20
IT Professional, Software QA Engineer, Web & Mobile, Automation & Development Enthusiast

Scalable Software Hub Seattle, WA

Joshua Töpfer hollesse

innoQ Deutschland GmbH

LukasDoesDev LukasDoesDev
Finnish. Interests include Linux, computers and programming. A bunch of my stuff is on GitLab.


Gustavo Tinello tinello
Artesano y hobbista del Software.
Alessandro Sangalli alessandrosangalli

Passo Fundo - Rio Grande do Sul