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Coding Owl mm-pro
Full Stack Software Developer who is working remote for a number of years. Love football, music & video games, Healthcare specialist, Traveler
s.p. eternalvision

Full-Stack Web Developer | Teacher at "IT STEP" Academy | Front-End Web Developer at "Simple Coin" Prague, Czech Republic

GoturShrinivasa GoturShrinivasa


Hi, I'm a full-stack developer with skills in: JavaScript || React and Redux || Nextjs || Bootstrap and SASS || SQL || PostgreSQL || Prisma || Ruby on Rails

Micoverse Douala, Cameroon

Steinar Herland sherland

SIKRI AS Kristiansand, NORWAY

Leslie (Yoonjoo) leslieyjkim
Full Stack Web Developer


Marco Gianni marcogianni
⚛️ Frontend React Next.js | ⛓️ Solidity Smart Contracts | 🖌️ UI/UX Designer


wangtiechuan wangtiechuan

lalala Beijing

BG BogdanGeorgian91
Hi! Welcome to my profile
Swadhin Kumar Dhal swadhin1515
software engineer

IBM cloud

Praveen Javali praveen-javali
FrontEnd Developer, React Developer

Bangalore, India

Ryan Angus RyanAngus
I am a web developer working in JavaScript, Svelte, Gatsby, React, and Tailwind CSS.
Hamdani ibrahim ibrahimn9
Front-End React Developer


L Bo Jang KaiLondo

United States of America

Matt Price appletsauce

United States of America

Rajnish Kumar rajnishmsrit
Javascript | Performance | Security | Accessibility

Accion Labs Pune, India

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
一斤代码 code500g
👨🏻‍💻 Digital Nomad
Vibhor Sharma eminence007
I am a Full Stack Web Developer who believes that 99% Problems of the world can be solved with Programming Logics. ReactJS + TypeScript + NodeJS

Masai School Vrindavan

Harjinder Singh hajindersingh645

@artbroods Chandigarh India

Braswell Kenneth Azu Junior braswelljr

Solar Taxi Ghana

José Fredes JoseFredes
Software Engineer

@mercadolibre Santiago, Chile

axu axuu

Electric Sheep Universe

Sam Huynh samhwang
Senior Software Engineer at @Lyka-Pet-Food . Contributes to @viet-aus-it and @bifrostlab.

@Lyka-Pet-Food || VAIT @viet-aus-it || @bifrostlab Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Abbasy Muhammad ⚡ abbas4798
Frontend Engineer | React JS | Next | Typescript | React Native

Sparkai Lahore, Pakistan