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Andrea Camargo Narsil-A
Professor of Chemistry and Biology | Python Software Developer | Data Scientist Enthusiast
Red Python Redpythonve

Freelancer Venezuela

Raul Espina raoole20

bigwise Venezuela Zulia

Luis Tena devluist
I'm a Back-end Developer doing web development since 2014...


Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
BillyBat rewrite5
>Python developer in progress!<
Steve Pinero stevepinero
Amante de la ciencia y tecnoloía. FullStack Developer, DevOps, Odoo Developer. #JavaScript #React #Python #Laravel #Flutter #Swift #Typescript

Og Sistemas Venezuela/Colombia

Franyer Hidalgo fhidalgodev
Desarrollador Venezolano. Fundador del movimiento tecnológico MITIS2.


Finding Passion in the Back-End Developer World: C# | .NET | Python | Java | Spring | Git | JUnit | JavaScript | PHP | Laravel | Symfony | SQL

Juniper Travel Technology España, Spain

Franklin Hung fhungm11


Alejandro Betancourt alebeta06
Student Venezolano Blockchain enthusiast I'm learning and building on the Web3 Smart Contract Developer NFT, Token DApp DeFi DAO 😀


Jean Carlo García jeancgarciaq
Me gusta la programación y decidí especializarme como Analista de Datos en Python, por mis habilidades en esa área trabajando como administrador.

Freelancer Naguanagua, Carabobo, Venezuela

Alexander J. Rodriguez D. AlexR1712
Geek by day, coder by night. I love tinkering with systems, building cool stuff, and occasionally breaking things (oops!).

@blockshiftnetwork Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela