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Alex Simonides Alex-CS
Full-stack engineer with significant Vue.js and Python experience
Soufiane Benali Reanukeaves
I spend too much time inside playing with code.

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Lily Black L1lith
effectively futuristic

United States

Li Zuozhen learner888
Student -> JavaScript & Java & Python
Steve De Jonghe seutje
Part of the problem.

OpenUp Media Antwerp

Halim Azizi halim-azizi
Front - End Developer

909 North Macedonia

Gaël Poupard ffoodd
HTML & CSS nerd // Created a11y.css & chaarts // Bootstrap team (@twbs)


Adam Argyle argyleink
#argyleink { position: #CSS @GoogleChrome @csswg; maker: #VisBug; luv: CSS/JS/UX; role: parentNode; }

@google Seattle

Ibrahim Almalki theiphoner
Linux Engineer | Web Developer | Full-Stack Web Developer | Community Support |

Vancouver Island

min'ryouta liwoyadan
web developer, artist, and writer who loves to take on too many projects and always has too little time.
Benjamin Aster BenjaminAster
Austrian nerd doing silly things on the computer


Chr$$ Ekkohng
Self thought through the shoulders of giant Blogs, Stackoverflow and several Github repo.


kaitlyn dolan dolanKait

Kansas City, Missouri

I am a student from Moscow, passionate about photography and programming. Currently, I am studying at the Moscow Aviation Institute to further enhance my skills


Srotoswini Srotoswini
Hi! I'm Srotoswini Paul. Being a creative thinker and problem solver, I find endless fascination in implementing innovative ideas into code!
Mel Macaluso MelMacaluso
Fullstack dev, from Sicily with love.


Lucas Brum sistematico
TypeScript Developer. Linux User since 1999. Father.

Campo Grande, MS, Brasil

  >🌑-🌒-🌓-🌔-🌝-🌖-🌗--🌘-🌑 <

@TheGeneralist_AI Berlin

alpacachen alpacachen
