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Kushaan Gupta kushaangupta
finding my way

Cornell University Ithaca, New York

exploring myself :)

Government Engineering College Gandhinagar India

Ziao Chen chenziao
ECE PhD from the University of Missouri, Columbia

The University of Arizona Tucson, AZ, United States

RJ Larson rlarson20
Penn State Math '23

NYC, New York

Bo Hu aloejhb
PhD student in Rainer Friedrich Lab working on connectomics and neuronal data analysis

Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research Basel, Switzerland

Hongwei Zheng zheng-tklab
Machine Intelligence, Computational biology, Computer Vision, Bioinformatics

Heidelberg University Heidelberg

Fabian Cook fabiancook
Working on Propagator & Open Source

Propagator Napier, New Zealand

Raphael Stolpe prstolpe
PhD Candidate @ Maastricht University | HBP

Maastricht University Maastricht, Netherlands