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brightLLer brightLLer
Always a newcomer in CS
I like robots.

Los Angeles

Chi Tran IceIce1ce
PhD student @ SKKU. Working with anomaly detection, crowd counting, video understanding, and knowledge graph reasoning.

Sungkyunkwan Univeristy Suwon, Republic of Korea

i am just a bot stars interesting projects
Marco Forgione forgi86
Researcher in Automatic Control and Machine Learning at the Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence (IDSIA), Switzerland

IDSIA Lugano (CH)

Eremite's Point 3r3m1t3
[prototype] A non-profit informal scientific & business dating club & lab. Please, feel free to explore the capabilities and develop the idea.

Umbrella Int. Glocal

Kun Zhou KunZhou9646
PhD student in National University of Singapore (NUS).

Human Language Technology Lab, NUS Singapore

Mirroyal Ismayilov rrbotics
PhD student in Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences

King's College London London, UK

Job Matheka jobm
A passionate Software Engineer with years of hands-on experience building Web APIs.

Software Engineer Nairobi,Kenya

Jilu Jin CharlesJiluJin
Ph. D Student, Center of Intelligent Acoustics and Immersive Communications


Ryan Yard ryanyard
Helping others feel a sense of calm.

stillness, LLC Austin, TX

Stefan Schirra sts153
DB_Admin, age 59

Berlin, Germany

National Taiwan University Member@Academia Sinica Bio-ASP Lab & NTU Speech Processing and Machine Learning Laboratory

National Taiwan University Taiwan

王贤锐(Henry) XianruiWang
May the force be with us

CIAIC, NWPU & WasedaU & LMS, FAU Japan

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Muyao offinliu
Robotics Engineer

Mitsubishi Electric Asia Singapore

Low Level Vision and Image Generation

Fuzhou University China

Henry Zhang Henrium
PhD student @ideal-nu @MTD-group working on AI for materials science.

Northwestern University

now_its_dark now-its-dark
interaction designer, artist, music maker; obsessed with studying the methods for creation and delivery of audio, visual and interactive works.
Data*Ptr Data-ptr
A hacker/maker toiling in the sea of information

@HackerOmnidisciplinaryLaboratories Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ziena ZienabEsam
Master the art of observing


Yana Lishkova yanalish
PhD student at the University of Oxford focusing on structure-preserving simulation and optimization-based control for aerospace systems


Clémentine BERGER ClementineBerger
PhD Student Telecom Paris

Télécom Paris

Pierre CHOUTEAU PierreChouteau

LTCI, TélécomParis France

Deepak Deepak-Mewada
Deep Learning for BrainComputer Interfaces | Few-shot Learning | Meta-learning | DL4Neuroscience | AI4SocialGood | Climate | Passionate4BetteringEducationSystem

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur