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Amit Kumar Basukala Basu-Amit
Biophysical Crop modeler, Geospatial Analyst (GIS and Remotesensing), Agriculture Engineer
Alexander Merdian-Tarko alexvmt
Tackling food waste using ML at REWE Group

Data Scientist at REWE Group Cologne, Germany

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Florencia D'Andrea flor14
Designing software tools to help solve research problems


Nicholas Barton nicholasbarton
M&E Specialist at C4ED and Postdoc at Uni Mannheim

C4ED Mannheim, Germany

Antoine Vuillot vuillota
Currently working as a consultant at the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) department of the World Bank. Based in Kigali, Rwanda

World Bank Kigali, Rwanda

Christian Oswald christianoswald
Research Associate

University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Bich N Tran trngbich
PhD candidate in Water Resources Management | 🐳🌱#ecohydrology 🌾🐄 #agrohydrology 🌍 #EO 🛰#RS 🗺 #GIS 📊 #WaterAccounting 💧#IWRM ♻️ #SDGs


Kevin Frac kfrac
GIS Technician

Senckenberg Biodiversity & Climate Research Center Frankfurt am Main

Héctor Tuy htuy
Guatemalan-Kaqchikel - Nat.Res.Mgr. experience in working with government agencies, NGO, and local communities in projec design, execution and evaluation.


Jeronimo Rodriguez-Escobar Cumaribo
Geography and Urban Studies Postdoctoral Fellow Natural Capital Project Land Systems Science. Remote Sensing & Earth Observation. Economic Geography.

WWF US Philadelphia, PA