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Johannes Schobel johannesschobel
Computer scientist, avid API designer, web- and cloud service developer, researcher and speaker.

Ulm, Germany

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Georg Lösel georgloesel

verdigado eG Potsdam

Neji Develops nejidevelops
A fullstack developer with skills in React, Rails, HTML, CSS and Javascript

Microverse Nairobi

Feti Jashari fetijashari
Ruby on Rails Developer

@fetosoft Kumanovo, Macedonia

Palestine[/humanity] is in danger hamidb80
are you a human if you kill 40K+ people and call them terrorists?


Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Gary Tou garyhtou
Engineering Manager, @hackclub

@hackclub Engineering Seattle

Peter Boling pboling
FLOSS Maintainer - @oauth-xx, @omniauth, @Dynamoid, @rubocop-lts, @wordtreefoundation » |7eter l-|. l3oling

Vital Connect Detroit, MI

Josh Powell joshRpowell

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Aaron (Aron) Roh roharon
Server Software Engineer on @dramancompany's Engineering team.

@dramancompany - as @aaronroh-remember Seoul, Korea

Clément Morisset morissetcl

@POTLOC Montréal

atul atulonruby

Toronto, Canada

Rica Mae O. ricafolio
⛏️ Building and learning..


# hashkeys
I write code. And markdown text. And I am quite quiet.
Simon Hofmann simonhops
mak and fleece

@makandra Augsburg, Germany

Quentin Rousseau kwent
Code is poetry.

CTO, Co-Founder at @rootlyhq San Francisco

Chris Coetzee chriscz
Full stack Ruby on Rails. Interested in all aspects of product development.


Stefan Xenopol mak-stefanxeno

makandra GmbH Augsburg, Germany

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Aaron F Stanton afstanton
I do stuff.

@catharticbliss Indianapolis, IN

Fresh Teacher Fresh-Teacher
Aspiring Software Engineer

e-Learning Platform Kampala

Arne Hartherz foobear
Not a bear.

@makandra Germany

Thomas Klemm thomasklemm

Tallinn, Estonia & Bad Kissingen, Germany

Gil Desmarais gildesmarais
Full-stack web developer. No data? No decision!

Berlin, Germany