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sso-eng siascaops
research, dive-in, build & make impact,

ssollc Deutschland

Keshav Gupta k3shavgupta
Developer and Builder


Daniel Wise dubscode

@wiseiodev Portland, OR

Borg Org Enterprises borgorg
Borg Org Enterprises is a non-profit organization with a noble mission: to provide robots and smart machines that can handle everyday chores for people.

Borg Org Enterprises United States

Sunny kumar krishnasunny
React Js Developer | Flutter Developer | Android & IOS Developer | Full Stack Web Developer.
William Lima williamlimasilva
Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer | JAVA | Node | SQL | HTML | CSS | TypeScript | Systems Analyst & Developer | Process Improvement Specialist


Ramtin Hosseini Ramtinhoss
Ph.D. in Machine Learning & Trustworthy AI

California, USA



ChunFuWu wuchunfu
Open Source Enthusiast; Committer of @apache SeaTunnel; Contributor of @apache DolphinScheduler, and etc. BigData, CloudNative, DevOps


Jay jamieduk
Join the


Pham Huy Hoang (HoangBeard) hoangbeard

HoangBeard Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

MichaelRapoport Michael-Rapoport
(, not the actor) AI, ML, Data Science, Cryptocurrency, Fintech Entrepreneur and and Software Development.

Agitronics Los Angeles

Building the future of autonomous AI coding agent's

@kodu-ai Seoul, South Korea

Davor Budimir Buda9
CTO of Vokabula

Vokabula Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Shekhar Upadhaya functioncall
Python and Machine Learning enthusiast
