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Anagnostakis Ioannis rizitis
I have ideas, unfortunately I don't know much. I try to put my ideas into practice or prove them. As long as I live, I learn, then it's a matter of God...


Selman seruman

@peak Istanbul, Turkey

verity veri-tty

neet buck keep

Adam Perkowski adamperkowski
can't be everywhere at once so @ me on your PR if you need a review


Elif ACAR elifacr
Computer Scientist
百里(barry) kooksee
happy coding


Yasin yasinldev
Mathematics and Computer Science student at IKU


Mücahit AYYILDIZ mucahitmoonstar
ı am Computer Science Student. I just wanna make better the world : )


Soc Virnyl S. Estela uncomfyhalomacro
I just want to code and code and build stuff in @rust-lang and @JuliaLang 🫂

TRIBE Philippines

David Panquesito7
Open-source maintainer | Community manager | C++ enthusiast | Luanti and game modder | Reverse engineer