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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Choubani Amir amirensit
FullStack web && Devops engineer.

Lyon, France

zhouyang zhouyang2019
talking is cheap, let's do it!
Michelangelo De Francesco DFMichelangelo
Quant with a deep love for Electronic Trading

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation London, UK

Paul corbettcode
Strive for excellence not perfection; work like you don't need the money; love like you have never been hurt: and dance the way you do when no one is looking

corbettcode Shelton, Washington

AnhTuPhi AnhTuPhi

Vndirect Securities Corporation Hanoi, Vietnam

Hulkee ri12348765
#.NET #Java #JavaScript
esasmer esasmer-dou

reactor istanbul

Oliver Kopp koppor

self-employed Germany

domingo1021 domingo1021
The only way to make life a grand success is to keep the light of optimism always burning.

Taipei, Taiwan

Leonardo Soares leo-io
Full Stack Developer | Java | Angular | Spring




Joan Canossa jfr4nc0
Software Engineer

Mercado Libre Argentina

Houssem Nasri HoussemNasri
GSoC'22/Developer @JabRef, GSoC'23 @openSUSE.

Tunis, Tunisia

dbaspider dbaspider
Just Be a Free Man

2012labs China PRC

zackyu zookfish
want to be a good engineer


Nikita Konev nkonev
Go/Java/Kotlin developer, I like to remove code
mark shidalin
java & vue developer

yonyou shanghai China ShangHai

Back-end Developer

@tossbank 서울