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M.Sc. Thesis Student Fraunhofer IPA @ipa320 | MS. Automation & Robotics @tu-dortmund

Stuttgart, Germany

Billy Vanegas BillyClassTime
Passionate dedicate at new technologies from my company

Billy ClassTime Madrid - Spain

AdAstra7 likecanyon

University of Chinese Academy of Sicences 52° 8' 22.16688" N 11° 39' 7.68688" E

Belal Hmedan bhomaidan1990
someone @ Somewhere

somewhere Germany

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Heric Pan HericPan
Undergraduate at the University of Leeds. Love animation production.

University of Leeds Fujian, China

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


Jonas Otto ottojo
Interested in Robotics, C++, Rust, Electronics

Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart, Germany

GuoXiong guoxxiong
I'm currently studying the technology related to robots, mainly including Motion Planning, Intelligent Control, Human-Robot Collaboration..

University of Science and Technology Beijing Beijing

Emir Çağrı Aykın emiraykin
Computer Engineer


Li congleetea

Shenzhen, China

MichaelShuo iwangshuo
No pains, no gains.
Daniel Bargmann ipa-danb
We do what we must because we can

Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart

Johannes Volz volse01
procrastinating like no one else...

University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany

David Perez-Saura perezsaura-david

Computer Vision and Aerial Robotics (CVAR)

Yang, Li funweb
Yang Li Huaxi Avenue China, GUizhou 550025 Summary Skilled and experienced professional with a proven track record of success in the fi

Guizhou, Guiyang

Danning Zhao DianeZhao

TU Delft Delft, Netherlands

Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Vlad Mosoiu vladmosoiu98
Robotics Software Engineer Passionate about Deep Learning and Simulation

Agora Robotics Bucharest, Romania

Mayank Patel mjpatell

Fraunhofer IPA Stuttgart, Germany