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João Carlos joaocdfarias
Software Engineer @ Sanar

@sanar Salvador, Brazil

Robert Floyd rbrtflyd
I design things for data and healthcare. Wannabe YouTuber and occasional FE tinkerer.

Census Savannah, GA

Bluepikachu bluepikachu
A designer.


Brittek Digital brittek
James L. Britton. Founder; Exploring. Learning. Constructing. Culture. Software. Design. Development. The intersection of my interests & societal adaptation.

@BrittekDigital Sydney, Australia

Nick ⟠ nickcollinsdotco
Product Designer / Art Director ✦ Moonwalker ✦ Digital Pillager


S.M.R.T RezaTabrizii
Backend Developer | Aspiring Full-Stack Developer
Achmat Fauzi ymmycode
Learning how the world works

Jakarta, Indonesia

Romain Valla romainvalla
Software Engineer | Freelance Full-Stack Developer | Founder of Studio Antipodes

Studio Antipodes Los Angeles

ZCDC_Ren klren0312
只有一心为公, 理当才能立的牢; 只有一心为民, 执政才能执的好

@ZZES-ZCDC Hefei,Anhui

Malik malikdotjs
nuxt / next / react native / ui enthusiast


Stefano Bartoletti stefanobartoletti
👨‍💻 Freelance Web Developer ✨ I bring value to web development projects by merging technical expertise with creativity and aesthetics.
