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Kyungmin Choi 2ood
I build what I am in need.
최익준 no-ikjun

South Korea, Gwangju

이신혁 dawnfire05

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Korea

Hyeokjae gurwoghd

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

minjunj minjunj

GIST / NetAI Lab Republic of Korea

황인선 Inseon Hwang inthree3

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 광주광역시 북구 첨단과기로 123 광주과학기술원

Shinhee Hahn hsho2mi0
I’m interested in RL/DL and Backend!

POSTECH Seoul, Republic of Korea

Boseong 2paperstar
불가능한 것을 만드는 도전

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology Korea

Do-hyun Ko (Dori) dohyun-ko
Currently working at @channel-io GIST-EECS Undergraduate

Channel Corp. Seoul, Republic of Korea

Jeongwoo Lee crown-3

@gsainfoteam Gwangju, Korea

Shiwon Park siwonpada
Currently learning at GIST

GIST(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology) Gwangju, Korea

ArsenicParadigm zer0pacity

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology