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DJ Ballesteros dmballesteros
IT Auditor & Software Engineer | Data Warehouse | Building reliable, scalable solutions.

NCR, Philippines

Christopher Johnson cjohnsoniit

Illinois Institute of Technology Chicago

Rob Erwin rerwin03

Get Beyond Louisville, KY

brikkho net bonomali
development and partner integration for

@EnterStudios @brikkho-net Dhaka

Sergio sdsanchezm
I'm just passionate about Dependency Injection, Design Patterns and how to optimize algorythms to create real business solutions.

Manitoba, Canada

Rustem Saitkulov atetc
Creator of mobile-devs Gitter community, former GDG lead, AndroidResId telegram channel author

AEVI Prague

Elia Nikolaou enicol09
Hi, I am Elia, playing around with stars, coding and cybersec.

University of Edinburgh Edinburgh

DisburseFi disbursefi
Innovative cross-border and business banking solutions that expand your reach across the globe and unlock revenue growth.

DisburseFi New York, NY

William Melchior Jablonski williamjablonski
CI, DEVOPS, QA Automation

Q4Sure consultoria especializada Brazil

Anis Mohammad anis123ahmad
I am a PHP and custom WooCommerce Payment Plugin Developer. I also have a good hand in MySQL, Ajax, JS, JQuery, HTML5 and CSS3.



Kyiv, Ukraine

Jimmy Béland-Bédard NoxGamingQC
Former programmer at @armcanada, now coding has an hobby.

@DevZone-du-DigiHub @armcanada @EpicGames Shawinigan, Québec, Canada

Naomi Eladebi Emiowei noi-it
I would like to say i am an easy going, tech crazy lass open to the latest info on Software and Network Infrastructure development for the good of all

NoiConsult Nigeria Ltd Okolobiri Yenagoa, Bayelsa State

Brandon Roche rochebrandon
UX/UI Developer working with some amazing people from Croft Trailer Supply.

Croft Trailer Supply Seattle, WA

Pam Fassett pfassett
Tech writer/editor, with an interest in UX writing and knowledgebase development

Global Payments Remote

Stan Kolbin skolbin-ssi

@d365commerce West Vancouver, BC

roman cernii

Germany Berlin