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Nick Rygiel rivendale
Owner of Ironclad Financial, Advisor and investor of

Ironclad Financial Pennsylvania, US

Grupo Menezes S/A FloydMenezesok
Somos uma plataforma financeira para com o objetivo de comprar, reestruturar e vender empresas que passam em nossos requisitos .

Grupo Menezes S/A.: Centro Comercial Narniano, Rua do Sucesso… Esquina da Felicidade N- 1%

sintayew gashaw Sintayew4
from ethiopia

sintayew ethiopia


Berlin, Germany

Luiz Henrique Lopes Jayme luiz-henrique-gyn
developer web3 dapp smart contracts solidity audits


@cooperinnovativeanalytics cooperinnovativeanalytics
Blockchain Entrepreneur & FinTech Enthusiast – Crypto Currency Miner, Trader, Investor, Blockchain Validator, R&D Consultant

Cooper Innovative Analytics Salt Lake City, UT

MonkeyMike.eth mon-key-mike
I build Blockchain Business Services, along with other infrastructures. Available to Hire. I work for DAOs, Communitities, and Private companies

@MonkeyMike Inside the Singularity of the Multiverse, and then residing within that inside the microcosmic reflection of the our Universe. My location is right in front of you.

Weston Nelson westonnelson
Non-fungible human.


Michael Vargas AztecWarlord
Learning and applying Knowledge everyday!


Denzel DenzelPenzel
For a millennium, I’ve specialized in software engineering for blockchain, trading, and algorithms.

@FAQGURU Antarctica

Anton Babinin Kyborg2011
Blockchain & Full Stack Developer

Ukraine, Kiev

rake 0xRake
"You can only get smarter by playing a smarter opponent." (Fundamentals of Chess, 1883)


Soft Dev ITExpert0228
Senior Developer with 55+ repositories in various of skill sets on Backend and Blockchain
Dappraidercash Beckyscrypto
A product enthusiast who loves NFTs and block chain. I’m up for a talk about anything related to startups, NFTs, movies and music. I envision to be an entrepren 44 miracle lane Crossville 38555 TN USA