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Yun-Chen Lo yunchenlo

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Boston, MA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Hunter.Liu HunterLiu0517
Master of Electrical engineering, dedicated to FPGA application in industrial automation, energy storage, communication, chip semiconductor and other fields.

CQU Chongqing, China


in the objdump

Cappuccino MrCappuccino
My wish is world peace


Shi Jin JuniorSNy
CS student from ZJU, obtained the solid passion for Architecture

Uniontech Wuhan

SaginL liu2310
Power electronics engineer.
Wajahat Riaz WajahatRiaz
🧩 Senior CPU Verification Engineer at 10xEngineers | 🏆Semiconductor Industry Fellowship Alumnus

10xEngineers Technologies Lahore, Pakistan

Xiuhua Yang gzzyyxh
BS, Electronic Engineering

Fudan University Shanghai, China

LinHuangnan LinHuangnan
erery journey has an end

NJU NanJing

Vaibhav Singh va3bhav
ECE Undergrad 24' India


Opadc Opadc
code is hard, i prefer for talk


lirunhan lrh5039
xidian university major in microelectronic

xidian university xiaan China

shibatchii shibatchii
Microsemi FPGA hobby user. I'm interesting in RISC-V.

Japan Yamaguchi-pre

Life is short, live it up.
Zhizhen Zhong zhizhenzhong
Next-Gen Photonic-Electronic Computer Systems

@MIT Cambridge, MA