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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Parshvi Jain parshvi1508
B.S. (Data Science and Applications) 2028 @ IITM || B.Tech (CS) 2027 @ ABESEC
Piyush Waghulde piyushw0203

Pune, India

Vedant Shimpi VedantShimpi99
I am a 3rd year Undergraduate student from CoEP Technological University.

CoEP Technological University Pune

Akash R akashlogics
Machine learning engineer || Software Developer|| MLOPS||DevOps||AI || open source Contributor @GSSOC'24|@SSOC'24| hacktoberfest24 || python | C++ | DSA |

Student coimbatore

Mohammad Dishan MohammadDishan
Currently learning Web Development
Ditsa Dutta ditsa28
4th year, ECE student


3rd year Computer Science student. Committed to perfection and detail.
venom1204 venom1204
hey welcome to my github.
Rishi Das Rishi2003Das
Studying engineering at NIT Rourkela| AI/ML Engineer | DSA(LEETCODE) | Secretary at Finance Club| MySQL| Public speaking(10 times at MUN)| Classical Guitarist

National Institute Of Technology, Rourkela Kolkata

AAFI MALEK Aafimalek
I'm a student, currently pursuing B.Tech in AI&ML at L.D. College Of Engineering.

Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Rahul Kumar rahulptl165
Fullstack web developer with a love for clean code and user-friendly interfaces.
Niels Olson 2grep

Mountain View

Susan Susan-A
I'm a pathologist gaining skills as a front-end developer

Ohio, USA

Harsh Tiwari harshtiwariexe
A Full-stack web developer with a strong interest in creating novel algorithms and addressing problems. adept in both front-end and back-end development

Varanasi, India

Saras Joshi The-Saras
Full Stack developer, sometimes a chess player, and the rest of the time a gamer.


Sarang Sarang5918j
Machine Learning Ethusiast
QIYI YIN SophieAckley
💪Husband of Fiona 🍼Dad of two kids 💻Coding on the road

ASU Bay Area

Ngala Olga olgangala2
If you under look me you'll find yourself under me

Django Cameroon Bamenda, Cameroon

Adrija Chakraborty nobody-butcat

Student-Job Seeker-Fresher Kolkata, India

Samridha Das prophet7821
Coding is Poetry :)

Kolkata , India

Cristina Andolfatto CristinaAndolfatto
📚 Bsc Electronic Engineering 📚 Msc Bioengineering 👩🏻‍💻 Signals and Biosignals Algorithms Engineer 👩🏻‍💻 Mobile App Developer

Bassano Del Grappa, Vicenza, Italy 🏡

Tahsen Islam Sajon sajontahsen

ACI Limited Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ab Rauf Shah arshah18

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Omaha, NE

Jhennifer Kingjhenny
Junior UI/UX designer
Darren Odi darrenodi
Full-Stack Developer. Proficient in Javascript | NodeJS | React.JS | Vue.JS | Python(Flask)

Freelance Full-Stack Developer Cameroon