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Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

ALM-Toolbox almtoolbox
Distributor of GitHub and GitHub Enterprise in Israel including consulting, support and licenses

ALMtoolbox Israel and Europe

Randi Griffin rgriff23
Lead Data Scientist at @BCG-X-Official

Boston Consulting Group Boston, MA, USA

Matteo Fiorio MatteoGiacomo
I am a technology enthusiast, driven by data and fascinated by the web.

msi Taipei

Jay Rodriguez Jairo1031
As an analytical and technology-driven individual, I am excited to announce my transition into software engineering.

United States

Brian Abbott briancabbott
Software Engineer. I currently live in Bellevue, WA. My focuses are on Systems Programming, Mathematics and Deep Learning.

Bellevue, WA

Tolga Cangöz tolgacangoz boldly go where no one has gone before...
Salman SalmanKhan-185NTsm
Developing across the 3 Dimensions


Product Engineer
Brian bhuber2010

San Francisco, CA

Olmo Maldonado ibolmo
Staff Engineer @

@braintrustdata San Antonio, TX

magazinkrisso 13inccc
➕🔒🔞📂▫️\\ sofia

tanimon tanimon

@400f Osaka, Japan

Albert Solana iamtxena

@mindsightventures Barcelona, Spain

Yoon-gu Hwang yoon-gu
AI Researcher | Data Analyst | Ultrasound-Imaging Engineer | Mathematical Epidemic Modeling | Numerical Analysis

LG CNS Seoul

sugiyama tamiki tamiki
ailead, Inc. CEO / Founder

@babel-jp Tokyo

Raphael Costa raphaelcosta
product engineer at @anti-work, building

@anti-work Curitiba, Brazil

Suvrakamal Das JaynouOliver
21 | ML Engineer | Presenter @scipy-conference | Certified @tensorflow ML Developer | Scholarship @hackthenorth @cncf


Albert Lie 이영덕 albertlieyingadrian
Love building things. Bio:

@xendit @forwardlabs-ai @agency-fund Bay Area, Seoul

Loc tongbaoloc

@ptnglobalcorp Can Tho

Eduard Toma TomaEduard
Angular Developer ∙ Ionic ∙ RxJs ∙ NgRx ∙ Nx ∙ React & Redux ∙Node/NestJS ∙ Spring Boot ∙ Jasmine ∙ Jest ∙ Docker ∙ AWS ∙ SQL/NoSQL


Divesh Punjabi dpunj
Truth-seeker at Versa

Versa San Francisco, CA