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Σκούλης Παναγιώτης panos21sk
ECE @ AUTh. Amateur Web Dev and electronics tinkerer. Also have done scripting with python and gamedev with C/raylib.


Angelos (Dimitrios) Bampos angelosbampos
🎓Graduate in Informatics from AUTH with specialization in Software Engineering

Thessaloniki 🇬🇷 🇪🇺

Theolaos theolaos
A hobbyist programmer.


Myrto Eleftheria Gkogkou itsMyrto
💻 Computer Science Student - AUTh Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Deep Learning, Software Development

Aristotle University Thessaloniki

Thomas Kanoutas tkanoutas

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

gwyneorge gwyneorge
A passionate programmer from Greece. Current status: Working on a dynamic web app for elevator solutions using vue 3 and laravel 10. Yes i am ok.

Doppler S.A.

Apostolos Chalis TolisSth
Software technician | Researcher

Thessaloniki, Greece

Pavlos Daratzis PavlosDaratzis2
I study computer science at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. I am interested in web and mobile development.

Thessaloniki Greece

Periklis Priftis Periklis03
Computer Science | Auth
Stavros Nikolaidis StavrosNik4
Computer Science Student @AUTh

Thessaloniki, Greece

Neron png neron-png
Informatics graduate from csd auth in Thessaloniki. Got plenty of side projects, and I specialize in neglecting them!


Alexandros Tsingos Alexisjr2001
Computer Science Graduate from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)
Christos Balaktsis balaktsis
Researcher on Big Data Management

@Datalab-Csd-Auth Thessaloniki, Greece