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axel ssaxel03
Software Developer


João Almeida Joaoalmeidavt
Junior Full Stack Developer
Vítor Hugo Costa VHCosta
Fullstack Developer | Musician | Gamer

Azores, Portugal

Luis Felipe Ramos lfmramos
Junior Software Developer
Tiago Lima TiagoLima27
Full Stack Developer.

Porto, Portugal

Mário Gonçalves macarigo
Aspiring software developer with a passion for problem-solving and crafting innovative solutions. Currently pursuing my first adventure in the tech world!

Code for All Porto

Fritz fritz-araujo
Junior Full-Stack Developer


Ricardo Cerqueira RicardoCerqueira518
Delcio godelcio
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Dad | 💻 Tech Enthusiast | 📚 Lifelong Learner | 🌟 Passionate about Inclusion | Opinions are mine.

Views are my own, not associated to any company or organisation Citizen of the World

Patrícia Silva patr-silva
<Junior Software Developer>

Porto, Portugal

Francisco Coelho coelhof12
Full Stack Developer | Experienced in Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL | Passionate about creating efficient and scalable web applications | Based in Portugal
Pedro Figueira zepedro0901
Passionate fullstack developer from the most beautiful island in the world.
Frederico Costa Fred-Costa
Alô!!! I'm Fred and I'm 23 years old. Full Stack Developer whos left my small island (Azores) to follow my dream and develop big projects.

Blend EURO | Accenture Lisboa, Lisboa - Portugal

Andreia Ribeiro aribeiro-cris
Backend Developer, LovelyStay. Node, Typescript and Postgres

Braga, Portugal

Rúben Rodrigues rubenspstk
Tech enthusiast since childhood 🕹️ | Coding bootcamp graduate 🎓 | Turning curiosity into code 🚀 | Excited for the coding journey! 💻
JohnyCordas JohnyCordas
A Johny and also a Cordas
Aline Palermo AlinePalermo
Enthusiastic coder, transitioned from another field. Recent graduate of a 14-week Code for All bootcamp. Eager to contribute and collaborate in the coding world


Duarte Baena duartebaena
Eager to learn and expand my skills as a passionate software developer.


Fábio Alexandre FabioAlex55
Aspiring programmer, 23Y
Frederico Pereira FredericoPAP
Junior FullStack Developer

Lisbon, Portugal

Martim Caldas AtlasVIM
Martim da Pesca


João Pedro Soares JPRSoares
I've always been hooked on tech, from making emulators as a kid to leading sales teams and shaping digital marketing. Now, I’m also coding in Java and JavaScrip

Lisbon, Portugal

Cláudio Fonseca CaluFonseca
I'm driven by a continuous desire to learn and innovate. Join me on this exciting journey .

Portugal / Lisbon

Azhar Bondi Azhar-Bondi
🥊 Kickboxer <OutSystems Full Stack Developer>
Vinicius Sena vinisbs
Software Developer 📍Lisboa Portugal

<Code For All> Portugal

Ralph Costa rlphcst
Recently completing a bootcamp in computer development has equipped me with technical skills that can be applied to various industries.

Porto, Portugal

Jose Oliveira bremen-jose-oliveira
Hey there! I'm José and I 'am a Full Stack Developer


Rui Godinho Godinho90
Junior FullStack Developer
